Sep 05, 2010 09:45
So...I didn't get very far I guess. I had another small bleed on Wedensday, followed by more of the same Thursday morning when I went to my regular doc appointment. So they admitted me back into the hospital after doing an exam ad seeing that it wasn't a small bleed but a fairly large one, even though the blood was old. They are planning to keep me pent up here for the rest of the month until delievery at 36 or 37 weeks. This is supoosed to be for my safety,rather than the baby's, as now my risk for having a massive bleed out has increased.
I've been trying not to be completely depressed about being trapped here, knowing things could be so much worse. I keep thinking about what poor Megan is going through right now. (Keep me updated if anyone hears anything!) But nothing really makes me feel much better. Yesterday Janine came and decorated my room (which is a double room but I get it all to myself since I have to be here for so long) and brought me lots of fun Halloween things. :) Better yet Kevin came over that evening afterwork and spent the night here, sleeping in the extra bed. That helped a great deal after such a long bad morning where I did nothing but cry.
Anyway, I don't know what the next step is. Basically I'm just hanging out at Akron General until either my daughter is born, or until they decide that I am stable enough to send home. I'm hoping for the latter but not counting on it. There's also the possiblity that the C-Section migh still be moved up, depending on whether or not the little one is continuing to grow and thrive in the womb. That is neither here nor there right now though.
In the meantime, I get to watch all the cop drama's I want, some HBO, and some A&E shows, since we have really weird and random channels here. There's also the "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T SHAKE YOUR BABY" channel. Seriously. They loop this educational video about the dangers of shaken baby syndrome. There's also six channels of "calming sounds" and random images of oceans, feilds, flowers and sheep. Yeap. Thank God there's a DVD player.
Also I have two big windows that have a great view of the Emergency Room parking lot, so I get to watch ambulances come and go all day long, along with the rescue helicopter, who's landing pad is just to the right of my room.
So, that's my big news for now. Once again, just trying to get by and not go crazy in the interim. Will keep everyone updated as often as I can. Enjoy the cool weather for me!
real life,
bad days