Title: Winter Wonder Author: Dani sirius_starr Fandom: LOST Pairing: Jack/Kate Rating: PG Warnings: Fluffiness =D Word Count: 2585 Prompt: #3 Snowfall Table: View my table Disclaimer: LOST isnt mine. Which sucks. Muchly. Author's Note: This fic is AU, a while after getting rescued from the island.
Title: On Top of the World Author: Dani sirius_starr Fandom: LOST Pairing: Jack/Kate Rating: PG Warnings: Fluffiness =D Word Count: 1239 Prompt: #5 Festival, though I made it more carnival Table: View my table Disclaimer: LOST isnt mine. Which sucks. Muchly. Author's Note: This fic is AU, a while after getting rescued from the island.
I decided to drop a bunch of my challenges and pick up a couple, shorter, new ones ^^ This is one, its called 10_snuggles and its a ton of fun already, just thinking of the prompts =D My claim is Jate, or Jack/Kate from LOST.