'Nother Jate fic!!

Sep 09, 2006 21:40

Title: Winter Wonder
Author: Dani sirius_starr
Fandom: LOST
Pairing: Jack/Kate
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fluffiness =D
Word Count: 2585
Prompt: #3 Snowfall
Table: View my table
Disclaimer: LOST isnt mine. Which sucks. Muchly.
Author's Note: This fic is AU, a while after getting rescued from the island.

Walkin' in a winter wonderland... )

jate, fanfic, kate, lost

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animotus November 10 2006, 08:26:01 UTC
Awwww, this is sweeeeet!You are a wonderful writer!Thanks for sharing!♥


sirius_starr November 10 2006, 12:27:34 UTC
Thanks for reading! I know Skate is what's happening now (and I LOVE Skate) but Jate is still so sweet, hehe.

I hope you keep reading my fics! I love feedback!

Btw I added you as a friend now =)


animotus November 10 2006, 14:14:57 UTC
This is not the first time I read one of your fic but I'm lazy and I've never commented!I like Jate and also jacket, and please write also more firefly fics!♥
Thanks for friending me!;D


sirius_starr November 10 2006, 14:16:50 UTC

I've had very little time to write lately, but I'm going to try and write some stuff tonite =) Or soon, at least. I might try writing some Smallville or Battlestar Galactica too, so if you like those keep an eye out.

Also please keep commenting! Its so important to me as a writer to have feedback... if I dont get feedback, I dont know what I'm doing right or wrong... its almost not worth writing if no one comments =)


animotus November 10 2006, 14:23:07 UTC
Jacket=Jack and Juliet!:)
I've never seen Smallville because I don't like Superman but I LOVE Bsg so if you are going to write about that I'll be very happy!
You are right about feedback, and if you want sometimes you can come to my lj and comment my icons!Bye!


sirius_starr November 10 2006, 14:24:13 UTC
I totally will! I didnt realize you made icons.

I do too, but I just have had NO time with school and whatnot.

Do you have MSN? I'm in class now but I'm on MSN at the same time... add me if you do, upsidedowndreams@hotmail.com


animotus November 10 2006, 15:38:25 UTC
Sorry but I have no idea how to use msn and those kind of things!
And here at work I CAN'T!


sirius_starr November 10 2006, 15:39:37 UTC
You should sign up for MSN, I can help you! =D

And okay, I understand that =)

I gotta go now, Class is over. ttyl!


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