Feasting and merrymaking!

Mar 25, 2012 17:34

So, I joined the local chapter of the SCA, basically like a medieval club. I've been having swordfighting lessons, which are freaking AWESOME, and am working on medieval garb of my own; sadly I could not get it ready in time for the Newcomers' Feast last night and had to wear loaner garb. But you get picspam anyway. (I swear I'll upload photos of my beautiful university soon! XD)

More photos!

I helped with setting up the tables and chairs and I have to say, the chair covers are seriously cool. :D And the runners are gorgeous.

This is seriously awesome beyond words. :D I was looking forward to learning embroidery and stuff but I feel a bit daunted now.

The High Table is gorgeous, isn't it? :D

Zavin and Rebecca.

Aleina, myself and Darcy. Unfortunately, the two swans' heads on the banner were right behind Aleina's head. >_> Also, I am still in awe of the fact that Darcy, Martin (you'll see him later) and Zavin all got their own garb done in time for Newcomers'. XD

Me with Nancy, aka Lady Elizabeth Rowe, Seneschal of the College of St. Basil the Great (the college/chapter at my uni).

Sadly the awesome wooden bowl is borrowed, but the cutlery's from home. The "goblet" is actually a sundae glass. >_> The metal tumbler was on loan from Suzie because it looks more authentic.

I love Zavin's pitcher so much. >_>

Michael, GINGER GHOST/Ginger Fresher/Ginger Rep/Ron Weasley aka Ryan, and Martin (in the lovely shiny blue velvet doublet). XD I am responsible for the 'Ginger Ghost' nickname (because Lillian nearly beheaded him during training once and I asked if that made him Nearly Headless Ryan).

I volunteered to help serve.

First remove: bread, butter, homemade ricotta cheese with almonds, and meat, cheese, apricots, dates and almonds.

The lights were turned down and we ate by candlelight. :D Unfortunately, this is why most of the photos from now onwards are of poor quality; the lighting was bad. But it made for an amazing experience.

Preparing for Court! With their Excellencies the Baron and Baroness of Aneala [Perth].


Sneaky picture of court proceedings, since I was trying to keep my phone hidden; it would have ruined the atmosphere. XD

After all the awards were given out business was discussed, including plans for the Anealan 25th anniversary. There'll be a camp with tournaments and things and we'll be fighting pirates! And the Baroness called them heathens, scallywags and Johnny Depp wannabes, and we were all laughing so much. XD

I thought Dylan's garb was really cool. :D

Myself, Ellen, Alana and Erin.

Second remove: salad, roasted veggies with gravy, roast (I think?) chicken, and cold beef. Here's the salad!

Roast pumpkin and squash with gravy.

Chicken. I have to say it looks kinda like what I thought medieval chicken would look like: pretty much plain/unspiced with the juices at the bottom. Though they said it tasted good enough. :D (I'm vegetarian.)

Beef. Actually we were served some cuts of beef in a bowl first but it finished really fast, and then there was some extra leftover in the kitchen or something and my table very enthusiastically offered to finish it.

Everyone's preparing to dance. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos of the awesome dances because I was dancing too and it took all my concentration. (and I still messed up half the time. >_>) But oh my goodness, the live music was AMAZING. Kudos to our musicians! ♥

William was my partner for most of the dancing and I have to say his garb is AMAZING. Also, you just don't get dashingly dressed young men asking you if they may have this dance at normal parties these days, so that's another cool thing about feasts, I guess. XD

The third remove, dessert, was served after a fair amount of dancing: there was apple moyal (rice, apple chunks, raisins, cinnamon and milk/almond milk), stewed pear in white wine and some sort of pie. It was all very nice, but sadly I forgot to take photos!

Then there was some more dancing. :D We'd practiced some of the dances at training, like the Bear Dance, the Ladytossing Dance and Goddesses (not that I was very good even after all the practice), and then there were some new ones like the Ballo del Fiore where I just kept messing up and needed lots of instructions from whoever was my partner. But I still had loads of fun. Also, the Ladytossing Dance involves the women being lifted up briefly by the men; when rehearsing at uni, it was with fellow students and so while a couple of the more experienced ones do lift you up properly, most of the guys only lift you a bit (they're supposed to transfer you from their right to their left while you jump as well to make it easier) or not at all. And then at the feast there were all these older adults and actual knights and lords and basically people who've been playing for years and experienced and one of the knights in particular lifted me up so high it was almost scary. But exhilarating. :D

Also, there were some families with toddlers and little kids in mini medieval garb and they were SO CUTE! ♥

Lillian and I, after we'd all cleared and packed up almost everything.

All in all, my first feast was AMAZING and I am so looking forward to more SCA events!
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uwa, friends and family, photos, sca

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