FIC - Time Of The Season

Dec 31, 2005 09:40

Title: Time Of The Season
Author: sirius_girl
Rating: R for language
Characters: The Marauders
Pairings: The Pups and the Potters
Spoilers: None
Disclaimers: JKR owns the Harry Potter Universe, not I. 'Nuff said.
A/N: This piece is slashy in nature (sorta). If this isn't you cup of tea, then don't read it. Mucho huggles and thanks to darklove_zorg for the quick beta and for coming up with the title! As always, comments are most appreciated! Cross-posted at remusxsirius.
Happy New Year!

Sirius leaned on the window pane and kept lookout for Remus, as James, Lily and Peter readied the flat for the evening’s celebration.

“He comin’ yet, Pads?”


“I thought you said he was off work at half six,” Pete asked as he wound the crepe paper streamers that Lily had brought over. “What’s this stuff do anyway?”

Lily rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t do anything, Pete-it’s a muggle decoration-Remus will know what it is-” Lily said as James spoke to Sirius.

“He did say half-six, right?”

“He did, yeah.”

“Would he have stopped anywhere?”

“Maybe his mum and dads,” Lily offered, as she spello-taped the crepe paper streamers to the ceiling. A song came over the radio and Lily sang: “Well, no one told me about him, the way he lied. Well, no one told me about him, how many people cried. Well, it’s too late to say you’re sorry, how would I know, why should I care? Please don’t bother trying to find him. He’s not there. Well let me tell you ‘bout the way-”

Peter looked at her uncomprehendingly. “Hey! That’s not how it goes!”

James rolled his eyes and chuckled, “She LOVES that song.”

“I know,” Sirius teased. “Wouldn’t be so bad if she could actually SING it!” Lily removed her wand from behind her ear and flicked it toward Sirius’ bum, causing him to jump up. “YOW!”

“You deserved that, mate-you’re getting slow.”

“Yeah, I know,” he sighed as he peered through the glass, looking for any sign of Remus. “Where the hell can he be!”

“Ring his mum up-you have a telephone you know,” Pete said.

“Oh yeah! And worry his mum if he’s not there! Don’t do it, Sirius,” Lily warned.

He shook his head as he bit his lip, then his thumb nail. “No, I wouldn't.”

Meanwhile, Remus walked the aisle of the store, grabbing sweets and treats and placing them in his basket. He ventured into Diagon Alley and then slipped into Nocturn Alley, shifting his eyes menacingly toward anyone who dared stare at him. Finally, he stepped through the doors of a not-so-reputable pub and hailed the bar man. “You have it?”

The greasy man smiled. “Got it right here mate! What ye gonna use it for?”

“It’s whiskey-I’m going to drink it. What did you think?”

“Dunno. That’s why I asked. You know normally, I don’t serve your kind in here.”

“So I’ve been told,” he responded as he placed the galleons that he’d been saving for over four months, on the oak bar. It was Sirius’ absolute favorite: One-hundred year old single malt scotch fire-whiskey.

“But I s’pose I’m feelin’ a right bit charitable, seeing how it’s New Year’s and all.” The man pulled the little purse off the bar and looked inside, fingering the large cold coins.

"It's all there." Remus nodded and curled his fingers to signal for speed.

The bar-man looked up, “what’s yer hurry lad?”

“I’ve got somewhere to be. The whiskey, please?”

He grinned a grin so vile that Remus thought he would vomit right there on the bar. "Ah-found yourself a willing lass, eh?"

"Something like that, yes," he sighed.

The old man winked his eye. “Sure ye wouldn’t like a nice toddy to tie ye over? It's right chilly out there tonight. You’ll catch yer death!”

“No, I’m good. Thanks,” Remus reply angrily, as he gestured to the small bottle. What he really wanted to say to the man was, Why the hell would you give a damn about the likes of me! Yet, he smiled pleasantly, bit his tongue and remained silent like the fine young man he was always expected to be.

“Alright, alright, here ye go lad-” the old man said, finally, sensing the young were's discord.

Remus nodded his thanks and pocketed the small amber bottle, turned and left with his purchase. Looking toward the skies, he smelled snow in the air and he sighed heavily, as he pulled his collar tighter toward his neck. He’d have to take the bus once he left the Leaky to get to a safe apparation point. He noticed on several occasions that he’d been followed, and he and Sirius agreed that they didn’t want anyone to know that he shared his flat with the notorious eldest, albeit disowned son, of the distinguished Black family, who happened to be a first-rate junior-auror, with a brother who was begining to turn bad...A notion that broke Sirius' heart.

Lily was more than pleased with her decorating efforts and withdrew from her large bag, several bottles of spirits, ale, and other alcoholic delights. James stole up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Think you brought enough. love?”

She giggled. “I certainly hope so!”

“Ah well, the reason I asked, is because I brought some as well-”

Lily rolled her eyes and laughed, “I should have known-”

“Yeah, you should have.” He kissed her cheek.

“Ooooooh! We’re gonna get soooo pissed tonight,” Peter rejoiced as he clapped his hands together and spun around.

“I dare say we will, mate! In fact, why not get the party started! Sirius, what say you!”

Sirius turned to face his beat friend. “Huh?”

James reached past Lily and threw a bottle of fairy wine at the black-haired young man, who caught it in mid-air. “HEAD’S UP, PADS!”

Sirius grinned. “Thanks mate!”

“No worries. He’ll be here soon, I’m sure-drink up!”

Sirius removed the cork and tilted the bottle to his lips and chugged several large gulps as the other’s watched. He lowered the bottle and his grin widened. “Love this stuff,” he said.

Remus sat on the bus, holding his purchases close to him, as he studied the other passengers. He’d had the worst day of boring administrative work, consolidating inventory and assisting with the sales journals, as he assisted the unruly customers. He’d be glad to get home, to finally get in some peaceful cuddling time with Sirius. No doubt Sirius would want to go out to cruise a few pubs later on in the evening, but really, Remus wasn’t up for it. He prayed that Sirius would understand. Had he a better day, he might have even enjoyed watching the large flakes gently spiraling to the earth, as he used to as a youth. As it was however, it was nothing more than a nuisance.

Remus changed busses four times crossing half the city twice, to make certain he wasn’t being followed, and when he finally reached what he considered to be a safe apparation point, he pulled his parcels closer to him and withdrew his wand, then apparated for home. He moved from his little spot and strolled out of the alley, a broad smile on his face: the first smile that had graced his face all day.

Sirius jumped up suddenly. “Oooh! I see him! He’s here! Nox the lights! Quick!”

Four wands were withdrawn instantly, and “nox” was being heard by each, over and over until every single light had been extinguished.

Remus looked up toward the windows of his flat and saw they were dark and he stopped in the middle of the street and sighed heavily. He felt his shoulders droop and he lowered his head. Sirius has left without me, he thought. “Damn.”

He stomped his way across the street, almost sliding on the pavement and he stomped up the stairs to the door of his building. Pulling the door open, he wasn’t the least bit sorry about it hitting the cement porch with a loud crash.

Sirius grinned the biggest grin and tried not to giggle, as did the others: Remus had been working entirely too hard for his little meager muggle wage and his friends wanted to surprise him with a party.

Remus climbed the three flights of stairs and cursed Sirius under his breath, as he did every day, for insisting that they live on the top floor. Finally, he was standing at the door and he withdrew the key and placed it in the lock and opened the door and stepped over the threshold. He sniffed the air: he wasn’t alone. He withdrew his wand as he saw someone moving through the darkness toward him.

“Stay where you are-I’m armed-” Remus growled.

“And dangerous too, I’ll bet,” Sirius whispered in his ear as he quickly groped the young were.

“Damn it, Sirius,” Remus sighed. “Lumos.”


With every hair rising on his body, he placed a well-aimed shot between Peter and James, obliterating an unopened bottle of ale.

“FUCK ME! WHAT DID YE DO THAT FOR,” James shouted.

“Don’t think so, mate. I don’t’ reckon I’m your type,” Remus replied coolly, grinning wickedly. “And besides, that’ll teach you for trying to sneak up on a were-Simply can’t be done.”

“You almost hit Lily!”

“Did not.”


Remus walked into the living room and admired the decorations. “Not.” He looked toward Lily and smiled. “You do this?”

“Mostly. I had help though,” she said, trying to smile.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I love it! Thank you!”

Lily breathed a sigh of relief. “I was afraid for a minute there-”

Remus placed his purchases on the counter-top and removed his coat then explained about his day...the irritating customers, the obtuse employer, the ridiculously inept employees...He cheerfully withdrew the crisps, sweets, bread, cheese, and aspirin from his shopping bag and placed them the counter, Sirius’ chin on his shoulder all the while. Sirius stealithly reached for the bag of crisps and Remus playfully slapped his hand, as he chatted Lily up, never breaking his cadence.

Sirius giggled, still managing to grab the bag and back off quickly before Remus could retaliate. He tore open the bag and withdrew two crisps, shoving them in his mouth, then laid the bag down and reached for Remus’ overcoat, as he walked the length of the room and hung it up on the coat rack. Remus eyed him carefully, still talking to the others. The grin welled up inside him: Sirius hadn’t noticed the off-weight of the garment...

Remus accio’d glasses for everyone and proceeded to play the bar-man. He poured the cheap fire-whiskey into a glass and held it out toward James, who begrudgingly reached between Lily and Peter. Remus pulled it back toward him, his brow rising, a half-smile curling his lips. “Be nice,” Remus cooed.

“Piss off Lupin,” James chuckled and snatched the glass from Remus’ fingers.

“Right-o, mate,” Remus replied as he tiled the bottle to his lips and swallowed a large amount of the liquor that was, according to the adverts, guaranteed to burn your intestines inside-out. Sirius lowered the bottle from his lips.

“Easy there Remus,” Sirius warned gently. “Don’t want you passing out before midnight.”

Remus looked toward his lover and smiled...Sirius need not worry about that...

The five adjourned to the living room and reminisced about their adventures of previous year; the fast-approaching war was heavy on their minds as they chatted through the evening, yet they all stayed away from the subject.

“We’ve got some news,” James said finally as he reached for Lily’s hand.

“What’s that,” Remus asked.

James and Lily looked each other lovingly and playfully argued about which of them would share their update.

“Oh honestly,” Sirius sighed as he chuckled. “What’s up, Prongs? You knock Lils up, or what?”

“Well, yes. As a matter of fact, I have.”

Sirius rose to his feet immediately, the grin wiped from his handsome face. “I was kidding, James.”

“Well, I’m not,” he said matter-of-factly. “Lily is going to have a baby-”

Remus smiled broadly and leaned over to kiss Lily on her cheek. She only smiled when her eyes met with his. “Congratulations, you two-”

“In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a war on,” Sirius blurted out, suddenly sobered.

“You think I don’t know that?” James was terribly hurt; he had expected Sirius to be the happiest for soon-to-be parents. “We’re not going to live forever, you know-”

“I dare say you won’t! Still, that’s not a good enough reason to bring a child into the world, James-You-you just should’ve known better! Of all the stupid things you’ve ever done, Potter-this has got to top the list!” Sirius stomped off to the kitchen to refill his glass.

Lily silently watched her young husband being torn inside-out by his best friend. And she suddenly knew who she wanted to be her son’s godfather. She had wanted Remus, and patiently listened to all the reasons why he wasn’t a good choice...She realized at that moment, that Sirius really did have a head on his shoulders, that he was impassioned, and trustworthy, and that he really was the best choice to care for their child should the worst ever come to pass...

“We’d like you to be the baby’s godfather, Sirius-” she blurted out quickly. James looked at her and shook his head in disbelief.

Sirius whipped around. “What?”

“We want you to be the godfather of our child,” she said earnestly.

“Oh no you don’t! I don’t want that kind of responsibility! Remus! Tell them! I’d make a positively rotten guardian! Tell them!”

Remus sat back against the sofa. “Tell them what? That you’re offensively realistic to a fault and notoriously steadfast? I think they already know that, Sirius,” he said finally. He couldn’t have been more proud if they had picked him.

“You’re not helping,” Sirius grumbled into his glass.

“Any ideas of names,” Peter asked.

“Well, Elizabeth, if it’s a girl,” Lily said giggling.

“And Harry if it’s a boy,” James chimed. Then the smile faded from his face and he looked across the room at his oldest friend. “Will you please think about it, Pads?”

Sirius grunted, as he looked away pretending to nurse his drink.

“I think that means yes. He’ll think about it,” Remus said grinning, as he grabbed Sirius foot and forcibly moved it so that he could sit between his legs.

The liquor was depleted, the food eaten, and the hour of midnight come and gone, and the five friends decided it was time to call it a night. Finally, when he and Sirius were alone, he surveyed the damage to the flat; it was minimal and he smiled.

“The nerve of Progs knockin’ Evans up!”

“Oh Sirius, get over it. I think it’s wonderful! Just think! Prongs! A father! I’ll bet their child grows up to be famous! I mean, he-or she will have the illustrious and talented Sirius Black for a godfather, after all!”

Sirius sneered and finished the last bit of liquor in his glass. “Wish we had more. I want to get so pissed that I pass out-for days!”

Remus gazed across the room and smiled. “Well, maybe there’s something left-”

“Nope. Checked.”


“Yeah. We’re bone dry. Damn.”


Sirius raised his brow. “Ok, where’d ye hide it?”

“Hide what?”

“What ever it is that we don’t have?”

Remus’ face broke into a broad smile as he walked over toward the coat rack and reached for his overcoat. Sirius craned his neck to see and Remus finally withdrew the small bottle and held it up as if it were some treasured prize to be relished.

Sirius stared and stammered, “Is, is that what I think it is?”

“Tis indeed, m’ Paddy-” He winked an amber-brown eye.

Sirius was slow to his feet in disbelief, and walked the length of the room and took the small bottle from his lover’s fingers and pulled him closer. “This stuff is expensive, Remus. What did you pay for it?”

“Now that’s terribly rude!”



The two wizards stared at each other for a moment, neither willing to yield. “Oh fuck it! Pull out the damned crystal!”

Remus raised his brow as he beamed. “Right on!”

Sirius un-corked the bottle and held it away from his sensitive nose and inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma. “If I never smell this again-it’ll be okay-”

Remus held out a glass and Sirius poured. “Sure about that?”

Sirius nodded as Remus poured the other glass. “Mm hmm. I’ll have the memory of it-My memory is long, you know.”

Each looked into the other’s eyes. “I salute you, Sirius Black, slayer of evil-doers, soon-to-be protector of tiny babes-”

“Oh honestly, Remus.” Sirius countered, as he rolled his eyes and leaned in and kissed Remus tenderly. “Happy New Year, my love-”

“Yes, happy New Year, indeed-”
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