Deck The Halls, Fa la la la la, and other good shit

Dec 25, 2005 09:53

Hello, good morning, and Merry Christmas!

Becky called and woke me up. My alarm clock easn't going off for another hour. Grrr. Bah Humbug. lol

So, as a result, the coffee's on, the cats are fed, and OMG I'm soooo not awake. This is one of those days when I am glad that I don't have children. *smirk*

I gotta get a shower, finish up basketing up cookies for Becky, and...I dunno what. The cookies I baked last night were pretty good, if I do say so myself...and not an ugly cookie in site! WHOOT! All-in-all, I'm in a pretty OK mood, even though I was awakened entirely too early. ;)

I just realized how I should have finished my smut R&S story...would have been more amusing..."come they told me, par-rump-a-pum-pum..." Ah well.

In any case, my friends...I truly hope y'all have a lovely day today, that's it's filled with lovely things, and lovely people, (and...ok, ok...I'll stop), and that you got what you wanted from Santa! Don't pig out too much, and if you do, might I rec and OTC remedy like, alka seltzer, or pepto... ;)

Happy Chris-yule-han-kwanz-i-ca!!

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