Sirius Black Fest 2017: " A time before our separate lives"

Nov 18, 2017 13:29

Title: A Time Before Our Separate Lives
Author: paopu_parachute
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius, Peter
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2800
Prompt #: 28
Warnings: Highlight to read *Canon angst*
Disclaimer:Don't own these characters, no copyright infringement intended.
A/N: Thanks B for the beta, the title comes from a darren hayes song and I've been ignoring this angst since the early '00s so I actually had a blast writing this :p.
Summary: Sirius had known what Peter was from the start but that knowledge didn't do a damn thing to prepare him for the Halloween of '81.

(A Time Before Our Separate Lives)

type: fic, pairing: gen, *fest 2017, rating: pg-13

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