Sirius Black Fest 2017: "A Moment Changes Everything"

Nov 17, 2017 12:34

Title: A Moment Changes Everything
Author: articcat621
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius Black/Hermione Granger, referenced Hermione/Ron
Rating: NC-17
Word Count or Art Medium: 1905 words
Prompt #: 74: She saved him from dying… | by BEACHMOMMA77
Warnings: Highlight to read *Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Friends to Lovers*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: This pairing is one of my beloved OTPs, so I was very excited to get to play with them! I hope everyone enjoys. Many thanks to my two wonderful betas for helping me with this piece. xx
Summary: One small act was all it took.

(A Moment Changes Everything)

warning: sex, *fest 2017, warning: het, pairing: sirius/hermione, rating: nc-17

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