It's still Halloween Somewhere, right?

Nov 01, 2014 11:56

One more fic for the Day of the Black Dog.

Title: Yes, Sirius
Author: chibitoaster
Characters: Sirius/Remus
Word Count: 1500
Warnings: creature fic, dark tones, character death-ish.
Rating: PG-15
Notes: It's just something I had in my mind, wondering what Remus would do if posed with a really difficult decision.

Yes, Sirius )

type: fic, pairing: sirius/remus, rating: pg-13, *day of the black dog 2014

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Comments 8

lq_traintracks November 1 2014, 03:50:01 UTC
Wow, that was so intense! I love the blend of the eerie and dark with the unstoppable love and loyalty. Wonderful job!


chibitoaster November 1 2014, 04:09:27 UTC
Thank you so much. I do think Remus would do anything for Sirius, but it would be a desperate act, indeed to turn him.


tinykettle November 1 2014, 11:02:47 UTC
There's a quiet intensity to this that, for me, is integral to this pairing. Even after saving Sirius and so many years, they're still fighting to save the light of their relationship from the darkness and it's sad and beautiful and heart-hurty all at once - I think you've done a really good job of capturing that.


chibitoaster November 1 2014, 11:29:32 UTC
I like writing the two of them because there's such an understanding of the fallacy of man between them. They both understand that men make horrible mistakes, and the important thing is to forgive and go on with life.

Thanks for reading.


articcat621 November 1 2014, 16:51:41 UTC
Oh my gosh. This has left me speechless. It is so incredibly perfect and a wonderful piece of Wolfstar awesome. Very intriguing idea. :)


chibitoaster November 2 2014, 14:13:42 UTC
Oh, the pups. They really are so good for each other. Even willing to go so far as to tread the line between life and death.

Thanks for reading.


shimotsuki November 2 2014, 01:25:18 UTC
This is just fantastic. What a dilemma for Remus to have to face -- but turning Sirius really does seem like the only answer.

(Love the backstory, too, the way Remus and Harry worked and worked until they had everything in place to save Sirius. And they've never told him! That is love, indeed.)


chibitoaster November 2 2014, 14:14:39 UTC
I started with the idea of "what would be the only case where Remus would agree to turn Sirius? And how bad would it have to be? From there, it just kind of wrote itself.


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