Job Stuff

Mar 10, 2006 21:49

Well you know how I was complaining about how bored I was at my job a couple of weeks back. Well that's all about to change. After one of the most boring weeks of my career, two things happened today. One that affects me indirectly, and one that affects me directly. Brief digression on the org chart:

I work in an office where there are two departments. 95% of the office is part of one department in the organization, and reports to the Office director. Me and three others in the office are part of a different department that reports to a director in a different office. One of the four of us is the founder and manager of our program. He *was* the program until me and the other gal started in July 2004.

So this moring the office director calls an all hands meeting and starts to wax philisophical about the office (which is not like him) and announces his resignation. Whoa, kind of a surprise, but doesn't directly impact me. It does open up a number of career paths if I decide to change departments.

Next our program manager comes into my office to chat about the office director and tells me he's leaving too. Knock me over with a feather. I knew he was too hard a worker to stay at this job. Also ambitious and skilled. He deserves better and he found a superb opportunity and decided to take it.

Now this affects me directly. I think I can handle his job and I think I want it. Of the four of us, I was essentially next in line of experience (however I didn't have the experience with the other departments in the organization that our manager did) The main issue is how do I sell that to my director (managers boss). See this manager (the one who's leaving) for all his skill and knowledge about the program was awful at delegating and left me and the other parts of the group out of the loop mainly because he wasn't organized enough to remember what he'd told us and what he hadn't. He had mountains of tasks and we had barely enough to keep us occupied.

I tend to be quiet about something and watch it play out. I don't get out and socialize a lot because I have limited lunch time and have to exit stage left every afternoon to pick up the kids. I don't have a lot of schmoozing skills and tend to be reticent at business gatherings. I think they might not feel I'm up for the job because of that and my family obligations. But I think I am. The director is coming down on Monday and I am planning on making my case. Any advice on selling myself for this position?

I'd be okay with them bringing in another manager, but I also think I could do it. They might want someone more experienced at schmoozing and being organized. I'm good at being organized, but schmoozing, not so much. I wish this happened a couple of years from now, but here it is now.

I'll keep you posted.
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