"Let's do the Time Warp Again!" Groundhog Day/Timeloop Event (Feb 2nd-9th)

Jan 20, 2012 01:56

YES, ANOTHER PLOT! PLOT POST 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO (Now that the Towers Event is winding down, apps are nearly done processing, and we're almost ready to move, we're throwing a lot on you folks tonight... modly apologies!)

This is a preliminary plot post, just so you can begin to plan ahead for the coming month. We're going to outline start to conclusion in full here, but more details about this plot and individual roles/mini-events within it will be given later, as we're still in the stages of collecting interest and setting certain plot-points up.

This will be our first big wide-scale Core Malfunction plot to kick off the action over on Dreamwidth!

Please read carefully, because there's a lot of set-up going on here

Yep, it's happened before across several universes. It was only a matter of time before a Time Loop Paradox rocked the island of Siren's Port.

(...You can blame the idiot that's going to make a very foolish break for the Core, because it's going to trigger one of the Core's many defense modes late at night on the 1st. We've got that mod-approved and already in place.)

To steal shamelessly from That Popular Film no one will dare ever app from (so you have our special permission to 4th wall bust and reference it all you want, if your character's watched Groundhog Day ) the time loop will be repeating February 2nd in-game for 4 'Rebooted' Days.

From Feb. 2nd - Feb 6th "our time", it will be a day-by-day replay of February 2nd in Siren's Port, with several key recurrent events, in which characters may take a role in actively trying for different outcomes each replay. (Some examples of what we're planning on: A massive traffic accident pile-up, a corporate warfare all out powers fight with bystander victims, a gambling fighting tournament to 'fix' with unfair knowledge of the victor) To help us coordinate this, we're asking for several volunteer Mini-Coordinators to help us play NPCS, run the scenarios and keep track of who's altering what.

An odd thing about this phenomenon... Only Newcomers will be consciously experiencing a sense of Deja Vu! Waking up on what should be February 3rd, characters will soon discover that today is...yesterday! And tomorrow is yesterday again! And the locals think you're going crazy!

Even time-traveling/time-manipulation characters will be subject to the confines of the 24 hr loop within this event. Meaning they can hop around to different points during the day, but not beyond it- and everything always resets at midnight.

Great. So, how to fix this conundrum?

This is basically where the really geeky characters basically have a field day and form a collective think tank. We'd like to combine lots of logic-busting, panfandom brain-storming about time theories, and for characters to break each other's minds with discussing the rules of various multi-verses, really getting some synergistic ideas going. We encourage you to combine ideas and stretch across fandoms and eventually come to a Eureka! moment.

We're going to award this role by number randomizer. So if you're interested in The Epiphany Moment of this plot, and you have a character feasibly smart enough to solve this, ready your technobabble and toss your name into the hat. We'll pull the Lucky Lightbulb-head on February 1st and privately tell the mun. The 'Key' solution is pretty much up to you, but we'd love for this character to collectively pull from various canon sources of IC-input. The Solution will surface on Day 4 of the timeloop, Feb. 5th. If you will be out on hiatus, please don't volunteer.

The rest of you brainiacs, your job is to get that input out there, once you figure out what's up! We'd love an Organizer to head up this informal Newcomer Think Tank Group and start up a log for a big theory meeting.

From there they'll need to sell the newcomers' idea to the City Government to gain core access, convincing the governor that there actually is a time loop going on. This will require a Charismatic Speaker role for that, or a small delegation of sweet talkers. Eventually they'll convince Governor Townshed to permit Core access on special circumstances, secretly, THIS ONCE, to try and prod the Core into correcting itself. 'A suicide mission', indeed.

(P.S. The first time it doesn't work. Oops! But hello again, February 6th 2nd!) Having the gall to try, try again the next day though....

Time will catch itself up in a hurtled 6-day fast forward over 48 hours.

This means that on February 7th & 8th, newcomers will be living a dizzying 6-day span at what feels like the breakneck pacing of time moving 3x faster than normal! Locals may note that characters appear to be moving sluggishly, or seem unfocused.

On February 9th, the sun will shine, 'normal' time will resume with a somewhat disoriented sense of 'rightness' with the universe, the groundhog will thumb his nose at you all, the Governor will graciously deny your enormous public contribution, and life in Siren's Port will go on as usual...

Maybe. 8)

A few sign-up threads are below, the rest is open for further questions, ideas and planning.

*information, *, *event, *plotting

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