Modteam has not one but two plots to lay out for you a little better this evening! We'll get this one out of the way first, as it's coming up quick (sorry to have this out late):
For Tomorrow (20th), a heavy blizzard with icy winds and very very low visibility is hitting Siren's Port at full tilt, beginning in the morning and not letting up, even after evening Sirens. Those with weather-altering powers will only be able to control small pockets of space in the cloud cover, so player characters and powered NPCs alike will be making some isolated sunny or rainy patches throughout the city. The snowstorm clouds will be 'pulled' to a central point over the baseball diamond, where it will begin to spiral like a frozen tropical storm. Over 2 feet of snow will fall throughout the course of the day.
On the 21st, conditions continue and worsen, with up to four feet of snow on the ground and quarter-sized hail falling on and off around the outer edge of the weather system, along the shores of the island.
On the 22nd, the accumulation will pile a record 6-7 feet of snow, then stop for a bracingly cold afternoon as temperatures plummet further. The top of the snow will be iced over and hardened enough for a grown man to walk on. All will eventually still to a soft dusting of powdery flurries.
On the 23rd, as the city begins digging itself out in earnest, without warning around 11am a quick shower of strangely pointed ice will needle down over sectors 1, 2 and 3. After noon, temperatures will begin to heat up rapidly and the snow will finally begin to melt. Expect a slushy, muddy, 24th and 25th with flooding in areas with poor drainage.
Outdoor conditions will obviously be very treacherous during the event. The storm will play havoc with commuters, stranding many people at work or in snowed-in places like the Underground Mall or residences. Many stores, businesses and government buildings will be closed throughout the storm and won't reopen till the 24th or 25th. (Hope you did your grocery shopping!) Water may not run in some residencies (up to players' discretion), as pipes freeze and break. Power outages may occur off and on- with companies paying big money for brave souls to brave the storm in and out of darkness to fix powerlines wrenched down by the wind.
Those with Teleportation powers which allow for tag-alongs have the chance to make some big bucks, ferrying the stranded or exchanging supplies! SERO and AGI will attempt to keep up with plowing in their own sectors, with the help of applicable powers, but the city was caught completely off guard with the severity of this storm, so most roads in other sectors will be extremely difficult to navigate.
In the darkness, most monsters will be huddling up to avoid the cold- but plenty of ice mutations will be prowling about, along with ghostly childlike figures pressing their blue faces to un-shaded windows, sobbing that they're freezing.
Any other questions can go here! Get ready to curl up in cozy shelter or brave the storm!