You know that we are living in a material world,

May 25, 2010 20:15

Who: Hatake Kakashi (ura_no_ura ) and Jinx (hexyoutotuesday )
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Icha Icha Paradise, Sector 1
Summary: Er... shopping.
Warnings: It's an adult store owned by him and she is the one shopping at it. That should be warning enough.

So much had been on her mind as of late. It was overwhelming. Every time she thought about those two boys, her heart clenched in her chest and she felt sick. Yoite looked like he wouldn't last the week, and Miharu was starving himself, not to mention he shot himself. At times like these, she always mulled over the option of running away. Blocking them from her NV, ignoring them, and just running. Maybe she would have if it weren't for Yukimi. Would it have been easier to withdraw herself from the situation if she did not have so many feelings for him? Probably. Would she have run away already without him? That was a question she did not know the answer to.

Jinx just didn't want to think about it.

So, when not at Yukimi's apartment with the boys, she tried her best to keep her mind off things. Focusing on her job or shopping were good distractions. It was hard to think about other things when getting shot at, and shopping was fun. It was relaxing. She was never quite sure whether or not she was materialistic. She loved having things, but had no attachment to anything specific. Well, there was Yukimi's headband he gave her on their first date, Trauma's coat she stole all winter and spring, and the good luck bracelet Tamaki had given her. But that was more attachment to memories in particular. Shopping was not trying to fill some sort of emotional void. It was fun. It was something shiny that she would get bored with later.

Hopefully, what she was shopping for today would not lead to boredom. Life had been so melancholy that she needed to cheer up somehow. Yukimi had mentioned something about leather in their brief argument over Catwoman. Maybe if she went all out, they would both be able to laugh again. If the world could seem less bleak for just an hour, then it would be worth any amount of money.

When Jinx found the place that Kakashi had spoken about over the network, she strode confidently up to the front door. She looked at the writing on the glass and smiled a bit. At least this would be amusing. Having just come from work, she smelled freshly of fire. Her simple, black dress is singed at the hem and her leggings managed to acquire a good deal of holes. Her boots made a soft clicking on the floor as she entered the shop. The first thing she noticed was, well, everything. It was definitely a well-equipped adult store.

"Hey, old man!" she joked with a grin. "You in here?"

jinx, katake kakashi

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