Who: Tifa Lockheart, Cloud Strife and anyone out after the Sirens
When: Tuesday, May 25th, 3:38 AM.
Where: Northeast in Sector 4, close to the Water
Summary: Tifa needs to work out some frustration
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Gore and possibly Language. Some TL;DR. I recommend this video, it shows Tifa kicking ass better than I can:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKtG-wsH2VM Helpless. It was never long enough between that sour, bitter taste it left in her mouth. It had been months these killers had been roving Sirens Port, killing any newcomer they could find. Some came back...but most didn't. Investigation was getting her nowhere, and the bodyguard plan seemed to be mostly dead in the water due to apathy. She couldn't remember a time in the last two years she'd felt so frustrated, so angry, so...useless.
It was a rare night off, but Tifa had decided not to spend it with Cloud and Aerith. She'd missed them both, but these days she felt like a rope that was unraveling at the end of it's length. Neither of them needed to deal with that right now, not after all they'd been through.
But she couldn't bite it down anymore, couldn't hold back the anger. If she waited too long she'd snap...and it shouldn't be at them.
Instead she was out, prowling the night like a wannabe hunter, looking for trouble, for a fight for...something. Thankfully the Darkness was so far happy to oblige. Ducking a spew of corrosive bile, Tifa lashed out with a sharp kick that snapped her attackers mouth closed with enough force to send it skyward in a burst of shattered teeth. Another mutant served as a springboard to send her after the spitter, which she dispatched with a savage punch that knocked it clean into the next block.
Still plenty to go. That was fine, she still had lots to give.