What good is a belt you can't wear?

Jan 12, 2012 18:15

Who: blondandperfect and asano_san, friends/foes welcome.
When: January 4th, 1pm
Where: Daichan Kaiten Sushi at some mall, Sector 4
Summary: Hattie puts her plan to have Keigo buy lunch and perform various trivial tasks (while passing it off as training) in motion. Like a boss. B)
Warnings: Dangerous When Awesome
Note: Prose to start, actionspam or prose, depending on preference to follow.

The mall is bustling today, chattering and footsteps easily drowning out the sounds of rain pattering against the glass ceiling panes. Surprisingly active considering it's the middle of the work week but then again, it is still lunch hour. While not nearly as large as the Underground Mall, Hattie had always preferred the atmosphere of this area over the other (though it's mostly that her favorite spa is here). The mall's basically a very long 2 floor structure made up mostly of obnoxiously priced clothing, electronics, home decor, and accessory stores, a hotel, and restaurants.

It's fifty degrees today and raining, but Hattie was far too stubborn to allow that to interfere with her choice of attire today; she was hell bent on wearing her new open-toe shoes today.

The blonde is scheduled to meet Keigo Asano, whom she had instructed to meet at 1pm in front of a restaurant called 'Daichan Kaiten Sushi' which had recently opened up; a sushi place that boasts superior selection and cutting edge technology with their conveyor belt system. And to do so in specific attire.

Of course she's 'fashionably late' herself, arriving at about 1:15 as she had just come from a beauty salon appointment a ways down. But was on her way now, carrying an umbrella and a dark colored designer raincoat. She had a feeling that it wasn't a good idea to leave someone like Keigo standing around for fifteen minutes- Who knows what insane conclusions he'd come to- but she just couldn't help herself.

hattie, keigo asano

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