New Arrivals Log (January)

Jan 02, 2012 23:54

Who: January Arrivals, Greeters, & anyone else who happens to be hanging around the Tower Apartments to greet newcomers.
When: Throughout January, 2012(Please Specify Date & Time in Thread Header)
Where: The Sector 4 Baseball Diamond, Parking Lot & Lobby of the Tower Apartments
Summary: This is your catch-all one stop log for arrival interactions! ( Read more... )

seras victoria, larsa solidor, hugo strange, khisanth, *first day, livio | razlo, amy pond, *open log, soul eater evans, caster, the narrator

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sonatas_edge January 7 2012, 00:37:44 UTC
The ache was familiar. It was that same feeling you get when you've just had the wind knocked out of you and every muscle tenses in response. Then, when your body has uncoiled itself it's like a rusty creak of mild protest. He's felt it dozens of times, but only one other time like this. And even then there was a difference ( ... )


Because the adorable needs to happen hybrid_prodigy January 7 2012, 04:00:12 UTC
Since people had started to come in again, Gohan had found himself spending some time by the baseball field a couple of hours a day. He stayed out of everyone's way, not wanting to cause any trouble. But if someone he knew showed up -- or showed up again -- he wanted to be there to see them.

He couldn't sense anything, because of the Voids, but that was okay. It wasn't like he couldn't recognize somebody on sight. No one familiar had been here yet, and he was just about to head back home for the day when the edge of his vision caught something.

Gohan stopped and blinked in the midst of standing up with his books. Wait. Was that . . . It was . . .

He dropped the books carelessly and dashed across the field before any of the Greeters could get to him. Minute differences didn't even register to him as the new arrival looked around in confusion. Which is probably why the tackle-hug managed to land.

"Soul! You're back!"


omg gohan y so cute? /wishes soul remembered ;; sonatas_edge January 7 2012, 07:33:58 UTC
Only at the last second did he notice a short blur out of his peripheral vision come at him. He was used to this kind of greeting from Black*Star back when his best friend was younger, but since this was a strange kid, his reaction was to tense up.

"Oof!" He let out and stumbled backwards back onto the ground. His hands immediately flew back to hold himself up and prevent a complete fall. But back in the dirt he was, with a boy that couldn't be more than ten hugging him. He tensed up even more and leaned away but only by a little considering their position.

"Ha-hey. What the hell're you doing?" His tone was strained as he tried to hold back his displeasure. It was just a kid. But still.


Gohan will be so sad! But he will deal. hybrid_prodigy January 7 2012, 07:53:01 UTC
He blinked up at the words, and shifted off apologetically. "Oh. Sorry."

He stood up, still smiling, and offered his hand in case Soul didn't mind having some help getting up. "Didn't mean to knock you down like that, but it's just so awesome to see you again!"

Nothing had quite registered yet that Soul didn't remember. The reaction was just because he was disoriented from the Pull, right?


they can do it together! sonatas_edge January 7 2012, 08:06:01 UTC
He relaxed slightly when the kid got up and watched him for a moment before accepting the help. His expression was guarded and troubled at what the boy said.



Absolutely! Once the sadfacing is over. hybrid_prodigy January 7 2012, 08:11:32 UTC
"Yeah, again! You . . ."

He started off enthusiastically, but then the reality hit him. Soul shouldn't be asking a question like that. He should know what was going on. He couldn't be that badly disoriented by the Pull. And that had to mean . . .

Gohan's face fell. "... You don't remember being here before, do you?"


/turns the frowns upside-down XD sonatas_edge January 7 2012, 08:28:53 UTC
At the disappointed face, Soul looked a little uncomfortable but sympathy did betray itself somewhere in his eyes. He shoved his hands in his pockets and let out a sigh as he realized that what was happening here was the same thing he'd seen happen to people in Luceti. Someone left and came back with no memory of ever being there. And apparently at some point in the timeline of his life he'd been here... wherever here was. That was unsettling and gave him an uncomfortable ache across his shoulders and wings (which were hidden behind him, folded under his jacket).

"Sorry. I don't." He let that hang in the air for the moment before continuing with anything else, just to let the kid process that. Apparently they must have been friends and Soul took that moment to think of what the best course of action was with a friend you don't remember.


hybrid_prodigy January 7 2012, 08:38:36 UTC
Gohan knew this kind of thing happened. He'd seen it happen. But it had never happened with someone important to him before. And it hurt -- he was almost surprised how much that hurt. But he didn't break down. He could do this.

"Then I'm even more sorry for just jumping on you like that. I don't do that with strangers."

But . . . this still wasn't a stranger. It was Soul. Without his memory, but still Soul. That was the important thing.

He looked around the field. "We should probably move in case somebody else gets Pulled in. I think you've probably had enough of somebody landing on you.

"I can explain things for you, if you want."


sonatas_edge January 7 2012, 08:50:16 UTC
"Don't worry about it." He said casually and started walking toward the exit, flashing Gohan a slight half-smile. Technically, he wasn't a stranger to Gohan.

Then he rubbed the side of his neck in thought as he walked and glanced back at the baseball field. He had some questions about that comment about more people being pulled but decided to go in a different direction first.

"So what's your name?"


hybrid_prodigy January 7 2012, 08:56:30 UTC
See? That reassurance right there was just so Soul, that it did manage to get a small smile out of him in spite of the situation.

He walked alongside him, little legs moving just a touch faster to keep up. "I'm Gohan. We were friends, when you were here before. You actually let me live at your house."

He'd liked it there, liked it a lot. Leaving hadn't been the nicest thing he'd had to do, but he hadn't really had a choice. And Miss Nelliel was so nice, taking him in along with all the animals.


sonatas_edge January 7 2012, 21:20:00 UTC
The kid seemed more than trustworthy so he nodded at his response and looked up and around at the cityscape again. He supposed it must seem a little odd that he was taking this information so well. But he didn't explain that this wasn't his first rodeo of the inter-dimensional kidnapping sort. It wasn't really relevant right now.

"Roommates, huh?" He half-smiled again and then went into the big important question after a brief pause, "Hn... So what is this place, and how did we get here?"


hybrid_prodigy January 7 2012, 21:36:07 UTC
He did think it was a little odd, but Soul liked to act cool about things, so Gohan really didn't think too much of it. Not everybody freaked out over winding up here. He hadn't himself, though he'd been pretty confused ( ... )


sonatas_edge January 7 2012, 22:04:20 UTC
When Gohan called it the "House of Cool," he chuckled and grinned. He would call it that. But then his expression became more serious when Gohan said that other people from his world had lived there with him. He'd spent eight months in Luceti with just Crona and for a short time, Liz. Suffice to say, his mind immediately went to Maka when the boy said that.

He stayed silent while Gohan picked up his books and explained more about the city. Studying the book titles absently, he raised his eyebrows a little. Smart kid. But when Gohan finished, Soul's mind was still stuck on the people from his world who had been living with him. So he just nodded in understanding at the explanation of the Core and the city and after a pause went into what was on his mind.

"... What're the names of the people from my world?" His tone expresses another question there that he doesn't ask just yet: 'And are they still here?'


hybrid_prodigy January 7 2012, 22:12:05 UTC
And Gohan caught that tone, and sighed. Might as well get the bad news out of the way first, right?

"None of them are here anymore. You were one of the last ones to get sent back. Black*Star got sent back not too long after you did. Professor Stein used to be here, and Crona and Ragnarok were for a little while. Miss Maka was, too. But I think you were the one that was here the longest."

He shifted the books in his hands. "It was just me and all the animals left at the house a couple months ago. We named one of the cats after the professor."


sonatas_edge January 7 2012, 22:58:08 UTC
He nodded and grit his teeth a little in frustration. That was just his luck. But he wasn't going to make a huge deal out of it, that wasn't cool. At least they were home and safe. "Tch. So I'm stuck in another dimension again and there's a cat named Stein."

He looked up at the sky and heaved a sigh before looking back at Gohan and offered a shrug. "Anything else I should know?"


hybrid_prodigy January 7 2012, 23:08:41 UTC
That first part didn't register right away, so he continued on with answering questions. Though he did smile a bit about the grousing at the cat's name. "And one named Blair. But I don't think she was ever here. Oh, and there's the catshark that we kept in the backyard pond. Named Maka."

Gohan usually didn't wind up explaining things to new people -- the Greeters usually handled that -- but he easily settled into it. This was helping out a friend, which was something that he did do a lot. "Monsters come out after the sirens at night. Even if you kill 'em, they'll just revive the next night. There's an apartment building for new people near here." He pointed toward the towers that could be seen not too far ahead. "They give you a month free to give you time to get a job and stuff. Oh. And there are two big warring companies here. SERO and AGI. Most people try to stay away from 'em. They both do some pretty nasty stuff."


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