New Arrivals Log (January)

Jan 02, 2012 23:54

Who: January Arrivals, Greeters, & anyone else who happens to be hanging around the Tower Apartments to greet newcomers.
When: Throughout January, 2012(Please Specify Date & Time in Thread Header)
Where: The Sector 4 Baseball Diamond, Parking Lot & Lobby of the Tower Apartments
Summary: This is your catch-all one stop log for arrival interactions! ( Read more... )

seras victoria, larsa solidor, hugo strange, khisanth, *first day, livio | razlo, amy pond, *open log, soul eater evans, caster, the narrator

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january third, twelve-thirty in the afternoon improvesmorale January 3 2012, 18:29:24 UTC
He wakes up in the outfield. Has he been asleep? Has he slept ( ... )


o/ cognidis January 3 2012, 19:39:46 UTC
He initially ventures down to the baseball diamond to see what's going on with the snowglobe phenomenon. Given how many there are, he doubts his will be traced back to him (if he even has one), but he would rather collect it just the same.

Passing by the field itself, a poncho drawn tight around him, he doesn't pay it much thought until he glances towards the center and sees a man on the ground. A new arrival.

Forgetting about the snowglobes for a moment, he runs over to see if the man needs any help. He stops short when he gets closer -- is that blood?

Worried, he kneels beside him. Up close, he can see the gash in the man's face: a bullet wound. Trying to catch the other's gaze, he keeps his tone calm.

"Sir? I know this is really jarring and confusing, but I think you need to come in and have that looked at."


Re: o/ improvesmorale January 3 2012, 19:56:39 UTC
Sir. He knows this game. He stares at the man, wide-eyed. He searches him for cuts and bruises.

"It's fine," he croaks. Deja vu, but not quite.

He tries to keep his eyes on the other man as he struggles from his knees to his feet. Muscle by muscle, he moves-- until he puts his weight on his ankle and then crumples back to his knees. This isn't good. It's probably broken.

"It's fine," he repeats, emphasizing the i in fine. It's then that his eyes catch the silvery color of his gun buried in the grass next to him.


cognidis January 3 2012, 20:11:31 UTC
Sad to say, even if he was injured a few minutes ago, there would be nothing to see now. As is, his brow wrinkles, more from worry than anything else. He doesn't want to just leave this man out here, especially when he's very clearly not fine.

He doesn't rise, just watches the other man as he gets up. He doesn't want to startle the new arrival, but he doesn't want him to fall either. Glancing to the side, is gaze follows the other man's. Ah.

Reaching for the weapon, he keeps his eyes trained on the stranger as he picks it up and flicks the safety on. No sense in taking any chances.

"This is yours, isn't it?"


improvesmorale January 3 2012, 20:44:50 UTC
"Give it back."

The words come before he can stop himself. So be it. He extends an arm, his palm open, his eyes pleading with just a hint of disoriented panic. His hands and arms have been cut with glass. Some of it is still embedded in his skin.


cognidis January 4 2012, 05:16:26 UTC
Well, that's not good.

Much as he would like to acquiesce to the request and let the man go on his way, he really is in bad shape -- and unstable if the look in his eyes is any indication. Doing nothing wouldn't just be wrong; it'd be neglecting his duty to help people, and this man, regardless of what he says, definitely needs it. Besides that, it would be his fault if this man went crazy and started shooting people in a panic.

His answer is solemn. "I want to. If I was in your position, I'd want it back too."

He gets to his feet slowly but doesn't offer the gun.

"I know you don't have a reason to trust me, but you really do need someone to look at your injuries." His arm, his face, and God only knows what else. "I'm not going to hurt you."


improvesmorale January 5 2012, 03:01:20 UTC
"N-No, you don't-- you don't understand." He scoots closer, his hand still extended. His eyes stick together on some of his blinks, the lashes caked in blood. "This isn't about you. This is something that--"

It's then that he notices the tightly guarded right Dugout. The security. The Voids. His voice dies in his throat as he watches this, this organization too precise to merely belong in your average baseball stadium. He notices the dilapidated state of the rest of the baseball field. He notices craters.

He notices something wrong.

His hands drop. A man outnumbered.

"What is this?"


cognidis January 5 2012, 03:45:59 UTC
He's right; Livio doesn't understand. Not for lack of trying, but he has no idea what happened to this man before he arrived. He can only assume it was something awful from the way he looks and how he's acting. He's trying to reassure him, but well, the set-up doesn't really help.

What Livio really wants to do is just get this man out of the rain so he can receive the care he needs, but that doesn't seem to be happening. He'll have to be patient, at least for a little while longer.

"You're a new arrival in the city of Siren's Port. The security is there for our protection and the Greeters'."

He pauses, his expression sobering a little at the look on the other's face. The first day is always the hardest.

"I know it's a lot to take in right now, but I promise I can explain everything."


improvesmorale January 8 2012, 23:35:04 UTC
His fear quickly lends itself to bewilderment. Confusion. Half sprawled on the ground, his knees in the mud, he looks around the stadium (and the world) with huge eyes, taking in all those fine details. Trying to place himself.

Siren's Port. He has never heard of Siren's Port. His mind is filled with Space Monkeys, with those buzz-cut men and their own little community, their own little roles and places. This must be the next level. This must be their next creation.

And he's trapped here. He is captured.

"What, like a commune or something?" Another cough. He holds a hand to his bleeding cheek and works on standing up again, now resigned to his fate. This man is going to take him somewhere. He is surrounded. What else can he do?


cognidis January 9 2012, 15:16:26 UTC
A "commune"? Puzzled himself, he shakes his head a little. "No. It's a city. We're on an island not too far from Earth's Canada."

He watches the man carefully, just in case he needs some help standing. He'd like to lend a hand now, but considering how jittery he is, Livio isn't sure startling him would be a good idea. Even so, if the Narrator can't get up on his own, Livio will definitely help him up.

Meanwhile the explanation continues.

"Some of the people here are natives, but others were brought here by the Core."


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