Who: Kurt, Blaine and Rachel (and Santana is welcome to join in anytime; she doesn't need an invitation C:)
When: New Year's Eve, a bit before midnight
Where: Their apartment!
Summary: Ringing in the New Year at the Bachelor Chalet.
Warnings: INCREDIBLE FLUFF AND HAPPINESS AND GLEEFULNESS PUN INTENDED and also a bit of bittersweet musing
Since Christmas had been quite the endeavor, Kurt was content to have a quieter celebration for New Year's Eve. He'd tentatively procured a bit of sparkling wine, and doled it out to his roommates sparingly; he'd keep a watchful eye on them throughout the night. With the fire stoked and plenty of candles lit, he sat on the couch and began the customary mental run-down of his year.
The year had been...tumultuous, certainly, given their transition to the Port and everything that had occurred since, but...honestly, in comparison to 2010?
He thought about last year--all of the pain it had brought, the heartbreak, the loss... Compared to life in the Port, none of those bad memories seemed consequential anymore. Life here was so much scarier, so much more painful, and yet...
Tchaikovsky rattled his cage, and Kurt reached into it to grab his bunny and stroke him. He seemed so skittish lately, a bit out of sorts--and Kurt couldn't help but sympathize. They'd both had a hell of a year.