I hope we hang on past the last exit, I hope it's already too late

Dec 16, 2011 00:09

Who: Onyx/Khisanth and those poor, unlucky schmucks she gets peppermint kissy over... also, random encounters are totally cool if you don't want loveydragon all up in your grill.
When: Backdated to the 12th
Summary: Apparently that Peppermint Kiss is freaking delicious, because Onyx will go back for as many drinks as she needs to to accomodate whoever wants in on this. B| Just let me know in the subject if you want it to be earlier or later in the day! And like I said, random encounters are awesome too!
Warnings: uh PROBABLY NOT? unless she gets really lovey. >_>

[ Through a good chunk of the day, Onyx can be seen making return trips to Northern Lattes. She's developed a serious fondness for the drinks there, and in particularly a nice, pepperminty little number. Yep. Just can't get enough of that crap. She's gonna spend like half her paycheck here if she's not careful, man.

She's also picked up a habit of latching onto people shortly after she finishes her drink each time, whether just outside the store, or a teleport away across the city. It might be wise not to stand too close at that point. ]

caster's golem | mercury, khisanth, bruce wayne | batman

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