I climbed that wall, I had one look

Nov 22, 2011 01:41

Who: dancing_pierrot & troublesmells
When: Saturday 19th of November!
Where: The 123 Bowling Alley!
Summary: IT'S A DATE. Or something along those lines, anyway.
Warnings: Look at the 'who'! Then look again! Franziska will be over-competitive and Larry might hate his life, but nothing other than that, really.

Also, action tags.

[Franziska really would have cancelled on this entirely ridiculous proposition if it wasn't for the very simple fact that Franziska von Karma rarely - no, never - went back on her word. Now, there were several reasons that she was glad that she hadn't. Firstly, it annoyed Sirius, and that filled her with a sense of smug satisfaction. Secondly, she was beginning to loathe spending time in her own apartment or office space because she couldn't sit anywhere within them with her eyes open for too long without wilfully inviting horrible migraines.

And thirdly (and this reason was really the most terrifying, astonishing realization of all), Franziska found that she was actually starting to tolerate if not enjoy Larry Butz's company. She'd promised herself after the events of last week that she'd stop wasting time on things like this, people like him, but the more she tried the more she found that she couldn't give up all that she had worked towards over the course of the past year, couldn't simply revert back to the person who she used to be. Nor did she want to.

She didn't know whether to be proud or disgusted, so she preferred not to think of it. That annoying, pesky thought, that but what would Papa think lingered in the back of her mind like a bad smell, however, no matter how much she wished it would just waft away already. She already knew what he would say. Who cared what he had to say if he was here? The point of the matter was that he wasn't, and nor was Miles Edgeworth for that matter.

Franziska was alone again with nothing to prove to anyone but herself, yet in an unfortunate turn of events, 'herself' had turned out to be the most difficult individual involved in this incident to impress. Everything seemed to be growing more and more off-kilter as time passed by, and if she didn't know better, if she wasn't better, she would almost think she was going crazy. Even then, she grew awfully close to suspecting it.

All in all, it was probably for the best that she was still going out to do comparatively useless things like this. It was a useful reminder for the simple fact that nothing had really changed, that life in the Port had stayed the same as usual.

(But was she to be satisfied with that? Oh, it was all so very confusing!)

She checked the time on her NV again, as though glaring at it would make the digital numbers tick over faster. She had warned him not to be late, but it was probably her fault for arriving early -- there had been no reason to expect that of him. She could only hope that he would show up on time, if not soon, so that she didn't have to sit here alone with these foolish, self-indulgent thoughts. Because this was really the root of the issue, wasn't it? Too much time thinking about unreliable feelings and not enough time doing things.

She was in the mood to do things tonight.

Even if one of those 'things' was bowling.]

franziska von karma, larry butz

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