A familiar face in an unfamiliar space

Nov 17, 2011 11:38

Who: Roxas and Master Eraqus
When: November 17, around twilight
Where: Sector 4, a few blocks from the House of Departure
Summary: A Master runs into someone who greatly resembles Ventus and comes to a rational, logical, completely wrong conclusion.
Warning: A touch of violence but nothing serious

[It's been a busy day. Sometimes that is a good thing, sometimes not, but Roxas is glad for it this time. His talk with Sora the other day left him feeling oddly flat, like a balloon with half the air let out. He'd been honest when Sora asked questions; his answers hadn't revealed any great surprises. But Sora had been upset, and Roxas hadn't wanted that. Not like he wanted any of the problems in their lives, though. Still...they'd be able to avoid so much of this if he could just get over his origins as someone else's shadow.

But that's easier said than done.

Roxas shakes his head and tries to push these thoughts aside as he pulls his coat on before departing Kahve, leaving it in the hands of today's closers. Just a uniform for so long, the coat served pretty well as protection against the increasingly chilly weather as well as the darkness.

Tonight, it might do both-he'd stayed later than scheduled in order to organize some of the new blends in the back, and that doesn't leave much time before most businesses locked up in order to give their employees time to get home safely before the sirens rang out and the creeping darkness spread across the city. But there's a particular place he wants to visit on his way home, a shop that sells candies that, while a little expensive, are really good in ice cream.

Maybe that's what he needs tonight: a treat, something to make his friends smile again. And if there's time, maybe he'll stop by Ven and Terra's place on the way home. He still hasn't re-met their Master, so that could be a little awkward, but it has to happen sometime, and the older Keybearer had dealt with his resemblance to Ven pretty well the last time. Maybe it could even be a "welcome back" ice cream night.

But not if he doesn't get to the shop before it closes. To save time, Roxas opens a dark corridor, stepping into the whorls of nothingness before striding out on the other side just down the street from his destination. Perfect. Just a little longer, and maybe his week will improve.]

roxas, master eraqus

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