Luring The Ships Off Their Course

Nov 08, 2011 04:47

Who: Syrena and Merlin
When: November 8th
Where: The beach!
Summary: Syren's taken to scouring the beach's shoreline rather than the docks, for obvious reasons. Mermaid and Wizard times year.
Warnings: None?

After being shot in the tail, the last place Syrena wanted to return to was the farthest south of the pair of docks. SERO's goons had shot at her when she'd been going to collect her treasures and, well, it hadn't turned out great for either party. Thus, she'd become far more cautious, taking to swimming along the shoreline of the beach. It was early, sometime after Sirens, thus the beach was quiet. Tucked away in a cove of rocks, Syrena began to relax, tail dipped into the water as the waves washed over her body. If only things could remain this peaceful forever.

It'd certainly be a nice change.

It's peaceful and quiet enough that she finds herself singing, her voice as haunting, beautiful and alluring as a mermaid's voice can be. She rolls over onto her back then, relaxed as she lifts her tail up, droplets of water spraying about. Yes. To sing and relax and to not have to deal with humans for awhile - it'd be a treat.

merlin, syrena

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