I have dreams now! Not for my future, but at night, when I sleep.

Nov 07, 2011 15:18

Who: Chuck and Castiel
When: Monday night
Where: the HoA
Summary: Guess whose visions just came back?
Warnings: References to violence, possible language, a vague reference (or two) to a miscarriage.

[The time since Jinx's miscarriage has been kind of weird for Chuck. He assumed that since the deal with Lucifer was off, his visions would come back, even if he hasn't really talked to Dream about it. At least He was hoping that Dream would just stop blocking them, out of laziness or a lack of give-a-damn about the whole issue if nothing else. Not that Chuck would blame him. But nope- nothing. No visions, barely even any dreams (except for that week of nightmares) for weeks. He's been getting antsy.

So it's kind of a surprise when he wakes up in the middle of the night, breathing as hard as if he's just run a marathon, and all but tackles his NV. It takes a couple hours to get everything down, and it's terrible- the worst kind of first draft, hastily written and shoddily thrown-together and in desperate need of editing, but it'll do. Whatever. He almost doesn't care.

This is too exciting. Chuck just stares at the words on the screen for a few long minutes before remembering himself enough to hit "save", then crutching his way out the door to the first person who needs to see this. A few minutes later, he hauls ass out of the elevator and knocks on Castiel's door, the NV stuffed in a pocket of his robe.]

chuck shurley, castiel

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