[Open Log] November Arrivals & Greeters/Protection Force

Nov 02, 2011 02:50

Who: New November Arrivals, Greeters, & anyone else who happens to be hanging around the Tower Apartments to greet newcomers.
When: Month of November (Please Specify Date & Time in Thread Header)
Where: The Sector 4 Baseball Diamond, Parking Lot & Lobby of the Tower Apartments
Summary: This is your catch-all one stop log for arrival interactions! ( Read more... )

hidan, frau, *npc: city characters, angeal hewley, *open log, wally west | kid flash, caster's golem | mercury, rimudo roun/uruki, caster, bobby singer, kunogi himawari, sephiroth, loki, *first day, dick grayson, jack carter, claire bennet, mary winchester, youko nakajima, murphy macmanus, nuriko, cloud strife, crowley

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Comments 553

November 2, 04:30 batgraduate November 2 2011, 21:25:08 UTC
Batgirl crashed into the ground with a force that made her want to vomit. She was thrown into a roll that tangled her in her own cape and would give her more than a few bruises come morning. She wasn't certain where the blow had come from or really what exactly had just happened, but she stumbled to her feet and was on guard within moments of her rough landing.

Shortly the blonde vigilante discovered that she wasn't alone in the pitch blackness of the night. She fought her way to the relative safety of the dugout she found using a flashlight from her utility belt.

By the time dawn was approaching Stephanie Brown had some dim idea of what had happened to her but no clue why. She was expected and someone would come to greet her any moment. It wouldn't do well for Batgirl to be discovered and Stephanie to have no place to go until they forgot about her.

She waited in her underwear for someone to come to the rescue, her uniform safely hidden where she could retrieve it the next night.


November 2, just after morning sirens stillhaslegs November 2 2011, 22:33:46 UTC
The Doctor arrived at the diamond early. Already, he was starting to feel as though he had worn out his welcome in Siren's Port. Truthfully, he felt like he'd worn out his welcome a long time ago. But everything about the city had been so fascinating, and he had an unfortunate tendency of getting distracted at the worst possible moment. After all, he came to the diamond with every intention of trying to figure out a way to the Core. Or rather, trying to figure out anything about the Core.

But when he saw... something, no someone nearby, all those thoughts of Core stalking left his mind (or were at the very least pushed back). Was it really that time again?

...Of course it was. More Newcomers arriving and still the Doctor was stuck here. Stuck here with the TARDIS and Amelia Pond, and no closer to finding his way out of here.

But no time to think about that. Someone needed his help (not that he could see them clear enough just yet).

"Hello there!" He called, moving a little closer to the dugout.


batgraduate November 2 2011, 23:25:17 UTC
The sirens startled her but it was the cold of the night that had Stephanie shivering and muttering creative curses to herself. She saw someone in the distance and wrapped her arms tighter around herself. This was no time to be shy though. The night was colder than she was expecting.

"Hello? Who's there?" She called in return, huddling against the bit of wall that was kept warmer than the rest by her stolen body heat.


stillhaslegs November 3 2011, 02:06:00 UTC
"A..." Greeter? Friend? Helper? Savior? "A Doctor." The Doctor rushed closer, jumping into the dugout. "The Doctor actua-" And then he stopped mid-sentence.

Now, he'd been around girls plenty of times. Everyone had. Well, everyone who didn't live on certain planets in certain corners of the galaxy, but let's not think about those people just right now. The point was, here was a girl who looked like she wasn't wearing anything of substance In November. In Canada.


Probably freezing.


November 3rd, 10:47 AM menageablank November 3 2011, 05:11:27 UTC
Balthazar swayed on the spot. He squeezed his eyes shut and clamped his hand over them, trying to stifle the many unpleasant sensations hitting his vessel. The last time he had felt this poorly, it had been after a drinking contest with Spain’s and Ireland’s national football teams. (Including the alternates. He won.) But he hadn’t had more than five glasses of scotch in the last hour, so that couldn’t be it. Warily, he removed his hand and opened his eyes. An unfamiliar baseball field greeted him. The crisp taste in the air and the dying greenery informed him that they were on the cusp of winter. There was a tang of something else in the atmosphere as well, something unfamiliar and strangely off-putting. His mouth twitched into a small sneer. "Wonderful." Like he didn’t have enough problems on his ( ... )


painhumbles November 3 2011, 05:25:07 UTC


menageablank November 3 2011, 05:45:37 UTC
Balthazar never had the urge to throw up before. It was an entirely useless sensation and he had no idea why he was having it. He briefly closed his eyes again, desperate to make the world stop spinning so fast. He didn't really have a chance to recover before Gabriel arrived.

It had been a very, very long time since he had seen the archangel. There was no difference, so far as Balthazar could notice, nor was it a trick. One just doesn't fake being an archangel. It was really him. The second he opened his mouth confirmed it beyond any shadow of a doubt. Yeah, that brand of confidence and sarcasm was all him.

"Hosannas? You really have been gone for too long." Heaven hadn't been a place of rejoicing in ages, it felt like. Even with the flippant greeting, when Balthazar nodded his head at Gabriel as a hello, it read like he was deferring to the elder. "And this thing would be...?"

Because as nice as it is to see Gabriel, Balthazar is really keen on checking that he hadn't died at some point in the night without knowing it.


painhumbles November 3 2011, 07:06:17 UTC
"Angels turning up in Canada," Gabriel shrugged, stepping a little closer, all to better invade Balthazar's personal space with- was that v-neck? (Little brother, you are a massive douche.) "Like clockwork with feathers." He threw out his arms exuberantly. "Welcome to Siren's Port, the last vacation you never wanted to take, but, hey... You get used to it."

Another pause and then, "And you're not dead... I mean, probably not. Given the outfit, I'm assuming the rumors I heard about you getting ganked were kinda exaggerated, hm?"


defenderofducks November 4 2011, 09:27:56 UTC
The world had changed. Aziraphale had felt it. He hadn't known what to expect, but even had he been expecting something, this wouldn't have been it. The change in light was almost more dramatic than anything else; the shift from a summer day in the country side of England to this, grey, dull, wintery light. A little unsteadily he pushed himself up, glancing around, what light there was glinting off his wings. Only a moment after that, though, he remembered them and suddenly they vanished, as though they had never been there, leaving only rips in his suit jacket, which started to repair themselves ( ... )


by_your_leave November 4 2011, 10:34:49 UTC
If there was ever a sign that Aziraphale was decidedly not in the world he'd just left behind, it might be the sight of this particular police officer, currently standing at the edge of the baseball field. While his features were decidedly far from human, the police uniform would have been recognizable anywhere.

He was also, not to put too fine a point on it, staring at Aziraphale as though he'd just dropped out of the sky.

"Welcome to Siren's Port. Have you just arrived?" Head cocked and ears splayed in silent question, Fratley's voice was even enough, though the exact focus of his gaze would be hard to guess from the hat tugged down nearly over his eyes.


defenderofducks November 4 2011, 16:43:20 UTC
Starting when he realised that someone else was there too, surprise registered on Aziraphale's face for just a moment before he hid it. Over his long years the angel had seen many strange and interesting things, but no one quite like this. That didn't mean that he would show it, though. That would just be rude.

Never mind that the stranger was staring at Aziraphale. He hoped that he hadn't seen his wings. He'd been seen a couple of times over the years, and it never ended well. Still, he gave a cautious smile and moved a little closer. "Thank you. I... ah, would assume so." It was a little odd to be talking without being able to see the other's eyes, but Aziraphale put up with it. He knew that sometimes people would rather hide them.

"Siren's Port... Where exactly is that?" He asked, with a little frown, looking around again.


by_your_leave November 4 2011, 16:57:47 UTC
Fratley's job was ostensibly to watch out for any dangerous Newcomers and protect the Greeters from them, not actually orient new arrivals himself-- but for one reason or another, there didn't seem to be a Greeter around to do the job, so he found himself uncomfortably clearing his throat, tipping his head down in the approximation of a bow.

"It is a city located off the coast of Canada, if you have heard of that country." He was no judge of style, but the clothing the man wore seemed close enough to what was in Siren's Port to guess that he came from a world where there was a Canada. For a moment, though, he thought he'd seen-- no, perhaps it was simply a trick of the light.

Pushing the brim of his hat back, clear blue eyes took their first good look at Aziraphale. "This might take some time to explain," he said at last, tail flicking delicately behind him. "And it is an explanation best heard somewhere more comfortable. If you would kindly follow me, I will do my best to answer any other questions."


☩ Nov 6th ☩ 9:30am ☩ found_my_light November 6 2011, 07:24:27 UTC
The quiet of the morning was neatly ruined by the sound of yet another person crashing into the dirt mound in the center of the dilapidated field. A mass of bone-white spikes can bee seen protruding out of the dust before they seemingly fade away. They'd done their job in protecting the body in the landing, but it still takes several long moments before the petite young man - dressed only in a white hospital tunic and black shorts, yet clutching a pile of now dusty black clothes -pushes shakily to his feet. He wavers a bit and stumbles a bit more before he finally seems to catch his balance ( ... )


ibreakrules November 6 2011, 20:07:52 UTC
On almost the other side of sector four, the new arrival had triggered a response in another resident of the Port. Frau's head snapped up, his eyes wide in shock. There was one soul he knew all too well. A soul whose destiny was almost entwined with his own. His light. For months now that light had felt so very far away to the point where Frau was afraid it would disappear completely. Now that small pinprick of light had flared up just a short distance from him.


Before Frau could even consider the fact that there was more to it than just Teito, he was out the door and heading toward the baseball diamond. The fact that Teito was here was far more important than thinking about the slight off feeling to the kid's light.

Frau skidded to a halt at the baseball diamond with a small puff of dust. Even as the dust settled and he got his first look at the kid in months, Frau's shock and disbelief remained. All he could do was gape at Teito, wide eyed and speechless. The damn brat really as here.



found_my_light November 7 2011, 01:32:06 UTC
The boy, however, raised his chin as he watched the man with hooded, crimson eyes. He canted his head to the side and shot the person before him a scathing look.

"Zehel. Did I not tell you last time to protect my Master with all your power in my place?"

He didn't wait for an answer - he simply tossed the bundle of boots and military uniform at the 'man' before continuing, his tone calm, conversationally haughty. "Your failure brought this upon him - that those that dared toy with my master...and now this? Dare I trust my Beloved into your care again, Zehel?"


ibreakrules November 7 2011, 01:50:15 UTC
Oh. Great. Mikhail. If Frau hadn't been so desperate to know if Teito was alright, he would have gotten pissed off with the archangel. They hadn't exactly gotten along on any of the occasions they'd met. Pain in the ass that did things to his own liking.

Mikhail's rant that all of this was his fault was enough to bring the vein in Frau's forehead up. He was about to snap off a few choice words when the pile of clothes landed at his feet. Only they didn't make sense. Teito had never worn a military uniform after he'd come to the church. Why would he have one now?

"What the hell are you talking about? And why do you have those?"


November 7th, 5:15 PM -> locked to "Loki" for now reginagloriae November 8 2011, 01:28:37 UTC
Youko shrieked, clutching the sword and the gem tightly against her chest. Before she had closed her eyes, she had leaned against the fat trunk of a tree on a path into the mountains. When she opened them, she was standing in a field. Confusion seeped into her and she suppressed the wave of nausea that grew in her throat. “What…?” It looked like a worn baseball diamond.

Where I am now?

Disoriented, Youko surveyed her surroundings, unable to take a single step with her wobbling legs. It was a gratified sport ground. There had been a fence there, she could see it, the signs and welcomes, and she did not see them yet. It was close to dusk and, in her search, she could only see the modern set-up around the place. There were electric lights and a parking lot… It was nothing alike that rural village nearby the cliffs. The air was crisper than the warm weather from that place; Youko shivered, recalling that she was still drenched in blood.

But none of that mattered anymore.

GOD. Thank God! She sank to her knees, the tears of joy ( ... )


Re: November 7th, 5:15 PM -> locked to "Loki" for now doeswhathewants November 8 2011, 01:34:45 UTC
"Nn," Eyes moved beneath closed lids, Serrure turned to his side, mouth twisted in a grimace. He curled up, one hand striking out above his head, fingers brushing blades of grass. Caught between sleep and wake, he frowned, then bolted up, instantly alert. "Luc?" A quiet call. "Luc!" Then louder ( ... )


fff five/ten minutes? 5:25ish still looooocked reginagloriae November 8 2011, 03:16:58 UTC
Minutes flew by while Youko struggled with the basic information handed on the welcome signs over the fence. The Port? Sirens? The Darkness? Monsters? She shook her head, feeling exhaustion and disbelief washed over her. No way! I’m supposed to be home! she thought desolately, in the process of half choking a muffled sob when she heard a thud behind her.

“Who…” Dread invaded her immediately, taking a few steps backwards as soundlessly as possible, away from the signs into the outfield. She had spotted a dugout during her earlier scouting; maybe if she could reach it, she wouldn’t be seen by the boy. A boy that wasn’t there before. Like I did. Upon closer examination, he looked a few years younger and he was definitely not Japanese and from nowhere from Asia. He looks lost, she suddenly realized as she stopped her retreat, Maybe… Her line of thought had been cut when his green eyes spotted her. He looked scared and she recalled how she must look right now. Of course the blood. She wanted to shrink away from his stare, she didn’t ( ... )


Re: fff five/ten minutes? 5:25ish still looooocked doeswhathewants November 8 2011, 03:25:39 UTC
Serrure trotted over to her, not at a run, but faster than a walk, with a sense of urgency, purposeful. "Are you okay?" He asked again, tipping his head and giving her a visual once over- though he wasn't just looking for wounds, Serrure was scoping out whether she might have other weapons on her person- or other valuables ( ... )


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