and I don't want the world to see me

Oct 02, 2011 15:08

Who: snakeofaguy, revealedfangs, and (possibly later) the other Baskervilles
When: Sunday, October 2
Where: The Baskerville Estate
Summary: Snake decides to venture out to visit the Baskervilles.
Warnings: Dangerous levels of moe.

[It's cold. Winter is always so cold and it's not even here yet. While other people may find it a comfortable, if only slightly chilly temperature, Snake feels differently. He's never done well during the cold months of the year, but here, in the Port, it feels worse than normal. Already most of his days are filled with lethargy, having to force himself out of bed in order to care for the snakes that stand sentry in the manor. Once he starts moving, normally things get easier, and before he realizes it, the sun begins to set and the world gets colder.

But it's the evening hours that he's come to treasure most. Winter has always been dark and it only grew darker; winter was when he lost his family. The biting cold is a harsh reminder of the day he turned his back on everything comfortable, everything he'd come to feel at home with, to search for the people who had made it that. Without his family, it wasn't his home. In the blurring, slow motion nights as winter takes its hold, there's only been one distraction from the shadows of the past. The twinkle of strong fingers turned delicate and precise on ivory keys, making fluid dance with tiny pieces of sounds. The strong back where he finds his rest against, face to shoulder blade, listening to the hammering of strong human heart; the heart of a knight. The warmth that he finds beneath the sheets, drowning in the music of Elliot. Basking in the rays of light after dark.

And it's Elliot that's on his mind as he wraps himself up for the trek ahead. He's leaving the house today, to make his way to the home of someone who is, if only by distant connections, also a part of his family. Only one pair of flannels would fit under his slacks, but the layers of sweaters over his button-up shirt will hopefully be enough to make up for it. A pair of tall boots, gloves, and earmuffs come next, and a knitted hat slides on over the muffs. Two scarves wind around his neck and over Webster, before he steps outside.

It takes longer than expected to arrive at the front doors of the house, and by then the cold is sinking into Snake's skin enough to make him shiver. His eyes are heavy as he raps his clothed knuckles against the wood, wriggling in on himself to try and find the warmth that's eluding him. Webster raises his head from the folds of the scarves and under the young man's hair, flicking his tongue at the threshold.

Hopefully someone will answer soon, before the half-snake man falls asleep on the front stoop.]

leo baskerville, fang baskerville, snake

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