so give me coffee & TV

Sep 26, 2011 18:30

Who: Snake (typhlopid) & Diego (beenwaitinglong)
When: Monday, 9/25, afternoon
Where: A coffee shop near SPU
Summary: Snake invited Diego out for a cup of coffee.
Warnings: n/a, will change as necessary

i've seen so much i'm going blind and i'm braindead virtually )

snake (999), godot

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beenwaitinglong September 27 2011, 01:37:30 UTC
[Diego could be fairly free with his work schedule when he wasn't involved with a case, and being between cases, he was looking for any excuse to get out of the house. This coffee shop was a good choice-- The Black Bloom, a trendy and modern-styled place trimmed in elegant decorations.

He headed into the shop and spotted Snake fairly quickly, recognizing a braille book sitting in front of him. He hesitates for a moment, then heads over to the table.]

Mr. Snake, I presume.


typhlopid September 27 2011, 07:53:44 UTC
Correct. [Snake stands, offering a hand to shake. He remembers Diego's voice well, and had already guessed it was him by the size and weight of his stride and the fact he was approaching, so he doesn't exactly seem surprised.]

It is nice to meet you, Mr. Armando. Would you like a coffee?


beenwaitinglong September 27 2011, 08:00:29 UTC
[He shakes his hand.] I would never turn down a coffee. [Though it's his policy to only accept one cup from another person per outing. Normal people did not need to pay for his obscene consumption.

He has a seat at the table across from him, setting his briefcase beside him.]

Their French roast is particularly good. I like the Dark Autumn blend myself.


typhlopid September 27 2011, 21:40:31 UTC
You do seem a Dark Autumn gentleman. [Snake smiles gently, rising from his chair to order Diego his coffee. Money here is quite simple - he is grateful for the little braille numbers on his bill which make it easy to buy things and keep honest. He orders himself a second cup and politely requests them 'for here' and if the barista can spare a moment, to bring it out to them, before he returns.]

I trust you were not too thoroughly detained by the weather?


beenwaitinglong September 27 2011, 22:01:50 UTC
Takes more than a little rain to slow the subways down. [He taps his fingers idly on the table as Snake returns.]

So are you a coffee connoisseur yourself, then?


typhlopid September 28 2011, 02:46:32 UTC
Not so much a connoisseur as an enthusiast. [Snake laughs warmly.] As a career student, coffee has become somewhat of an old friend.


beenwaitinglong September 28 2011, 02:49:39 UTC
Naturally. Lady Coffee is a loving mistress to any who wish to worship at her bitter altar. [Whatever that's supposed to mean.

The waitress brings the coffee over promptly, and Diego nods his thanks to her, picking up the cup and inhaling its aroma almost adoringly.]

What do you study?


typhlopid September 29 2011, 06:32:09 UTC
Theoretical physics was my strong point. I was working on my dissertation, actually. This place appears to confirm the theory of infinite multiple universe coexisting, however, the situation creates more questions that it answers.

[Snake smiles a little, then raises the glass steadily to his lips.]

I am actually becoming somewhat more interested in criminal psychology, now that I am here. Since my memory, expansive and detailed as it is, is not photographic, I do not have the amplitude of my original research to continue my dissertation here - nor, as I understand it, would it actually contribute to finishing it my world, assuming I return.

So while I gain my footing here, I am considering turning my intelligence in a different direction.


beenwaitinglong September 29 2011, 06:38:03 UTC
[Theoretical physics. Damn. Diego smirks at that, shaking his head as he sips from his coffee.]

Well now, I couldn't tell you the first thing about physics, but criminal psychology is a little more up my alley. [Another sip.]

A man never has a reason to refuse to learn something. That's one of my rules.


lol icon fail typhlopid September 29 2011, 06:51:05 UTC
[Snake nods, and as habit, says "Yes" to indicate the agreement.] It is a hobby of mine, to learn as much as I possibly can. Human life is every bit as fascinating as the life of light and space.


beenwaitinglong September 29 2011, 06:55:21 UTC
That's a rule to live by. [He sips again, and the coffee is nearly half-drained already.]

There's no shortage of ways to involve yourself in the judicial system around here, even just sticking to the legal ones.


typhlopid October 1 2011, 03:41:03 UTC
I am not looking for trouble, so I would prefer for my activities to remain as legal as possible. [Snake sips his tea.]

How long have you been here?


beenwaitinglong October 1 2011, 04:06:12 UTC
Good answer.

[He has a sip of coffee, clearing his throat as he swallows it.] A little over a year, actually. Hard to believe when I think about it.


typhlopid October 1 2011, 07:18:14 UTC
I have heard many people develop a strange preternatural ability after a prolonged captivity here. Has this happened to you? [He sounds very much like an interested person doing a study or asking out of curiosity, yet he speaks with a measure of authority, too.]


beenwaitinglong October 1 2011, 07:29:08 UTC
[He's quiet for a moment as he smirks.] Yes. It has. It happens to everyone. [Siiiiiiip.]


typhlopid October 1 2011, 18:17:16 UTC
[Well, it was a rather direct line of questioning that almost begged to be evaded. Though he cannot see that smile, he can hear it in Diego's voice, and returns it with one of his own.] Do many in the prosecutor's office use their abilities? What is the legality in that particular direction? What has been your experience?


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