These Kids Learn From Cigarette Burns...

Sep 25, 2011 17:42

Who: OPEN! the_gun_smoker and anyone from/around the old boarding house in sector 4.
When: After sirens call pm. (Back dated to 23rd!)
Where: The boarding house in sector 4
Summary: Badou just arrived at the port. He was told about this place where loads of the kids were staying, including Nill, and he was kind of invited to tag along. So! don't mind P.I Badou investigating your home guys!
Warnings: Possible bad language if he forgets to mind his P's and Q's! oh and probably plenty of Badou's derp!

It had been a pretty odd arrival as far as falling into the ass-end of nowhere went. Badou had just been working out how to use his camera as a communication device, looking for a way to call home and somewhere to score some cheap cigarettes (His supply wasn't exactly as full as he would have liked it to be.)

Rin and Shikamaru had been nice enough to tell him about this place, give him directions and invite him in, Nill was here too so that was a really great reason to check the place out as far as Badou was concerned.

Dragging his tired feet around the building, so far he'd only seen a few closed doors, it didn't seem as if anyone was there, maybe they were all in bed? Either way, he wandered around the halls, keeping his eye peeled for a room that looked empty, he had been told he was cool to move in after all.

"Hmm, maybe I need to go find the warden of this place or somethin'? Prolly gotta sign some shit or hand over cash, I dunno."

badou nails, asano rin

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