if i hadn't made me, i'd have fallen apart by now.

Sep 04, 2011 01:36

Who: fantasycliche and YOU.
When: Forward dated to the afternoon of the 4th.
Where: anywhere in the Port! It starts near the baseball diamond, but feel free to run into her at any point in this whole adventure. Just lemme know where/when. 8)
Summary: DRAGONS DON'T SIT AROUND AND LISTEN TO GREETERS WHEN THEY SHOW UP, DRAGONS HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO. Namely, casting disruptive spells to ruin everyone's afternoon and then chuckling about it. And exploring the city while she's at it!
Warnings: probably not? though she's terribly prone to violence, if it calls for it.

[ Just when you finally start to get used to one displacement in time and space, some cosmic something-or-other with a rotten sense of humor goes and does it again. Khisanth had been more than a little irritated by that annoyingly familiar feeling of tugging. She'd known what it meant. At first she'd thought it meant she was finally going home, but-- no. Home never came with chain link fences, or what she can now identify as bleachers. As a matter of fact, it looked rather like she was simply in a different part of the City than she'd been expecting.

Which really just meant that someone had had the audacity to bring her there. Her reaction would have been immediate, but it took her a second to figure out why her magic wasn't working. There was a block. And a block on a dragon's magic is a sure way to make her even more angry-- it was a small miracle nothing had been destroyed, really. A pool of darkness encasing about 5 square blocks just at the edge of the baseball diamond is a pretty mild reaction, on Khisanth's scale. But she'd felt immediately better when the unnatural darkness had fallen -- darkness her own keen eyes could see through, of course.

She'd taken a perch at the edge of a building, body hunched and catlike as she'd surveyed her surroundings. She can see the startled humans below her in the darkness perfectly well, of course, but there's no intention to attack them. Not yet. Not until she knows what's happened. And from the look of things, she's starting to realize it'd been more than just a short, unwilling teleportation.

She'll off from her perch eventually. The darkness will melt away as suddenly as it had fallen when she does, and she'll indulge in a quick lap around the Port. Just to get the feel of the city-- much smaller than the one she'd gotten used to. She's too annoyed and on-edge for caution, so there's every chance that one might look up and catch a glimpse. She's flying high enough that she could be mistaken for an unusually large black bird, but that theory will be proven wrong pretty fast any time she descends to land, pick a perch, and investigate a little closer for a while. It's awfully hard to mistake a 35-foot black dragon for a large bird, after all. But she knows better than to draw near to populated areas, of course.

She won't be out and about for long. Soon enough she'll disappear off the radar entirely, off to get a feel for things in a decidedly more stealthy manner. ]

khisanth, iroh, jason todd, bruce wayne | batman, *open log, bigby wolf, griffin o'conner, damian wayne, iron-tail fratley, neuro nougami

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