Lurking the shadows...

Sep 02, 2011 23:44

Who: southernreaper and kingofrooks
When: Forward dated: September 3rd, after sirens.
Where: Somewhere in the city
Summary: Kevin is releasing steam after losing two room mates. Bats is stalkinglurking and puts two and two together.
Warnings: Violence, killing of the things in the dark, swearing.

Two of them gone. Julian - the mutate fell to ash - his best friend had gone first. Leaving him here, to deal, to move on, to try and do something useful. Percy - another mutate fell to dust under his deadly fingers - barely knew him, but he'd been a quiet guy, at least not asking too many questions about Kevin's reasons for covering up.

Tony Stark. Still in the garage, doing whatever - or whoever - it was that he was doing.

Another one fell to dust, dying howling.

His art had come back. Oxyacetylene welding and scrap metal, and he was happy. Short on sleep, which probably meant he shouldn't be out here tonight. But the need, the desperation had been hitting him hard with Julian's leaving. The welding, the metal, the isolation had helped, but only for so long. The addiction had gnawed at him for days, before he'd finally given in and come out to assuage it in a way that might help someone - and if it didn't... at least it didn't hurt anyone.

"Ow! Shit!" He drew his hand back, shaking off the stinging. The organic spit, whatever it had been had stung, but it dissolved quickly without leaving much more than a few red welts. That one, he grabbed by the throat and watched it die.

... He didn't know he was being watched.

bruce wayne | batman, wither

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