Talking to an old friend

Aug 16, 2011 01:56

Who: Emma Frost, Julian Keller, Kevin Ford
When: Monday, 8/15
Where: The House of Awesome
Summary: Julian and Kevin visit Emma Frost to talk about their powers and such.
Warnings: Probably none

It's been a while since Julian's had anything like a personal conversation with Emma Frost, about his powers or otherwise. Once upon a time she was his mentor - the X-Man in charge of his training squad, the Hellions. Julian had trusted her implicitly, had learned from her, had obeyed her instructions.


For the most part, Julian had spent his time at the Institute trying to make Emma proud. But then she'd ordered him to do something that went against his sense of...actually, he didn't know how to describe it. Honour? Justice? Loyalty? Maybe some kind of weird mix of all three. And after that, she'd kind of quit with the whole mentor deal. Later, she'd given him some hokey explanation about how too much had happened and she'd wanted to put the students at a distance, blah blah. He hadn't really bought it. He'd just harbored resentment because of it, and gone on trying to learn without a mentor. Of course, the Emma Frost that had come to the Port didn't remember anything about any of that. She was younger, and as far as she was concerned she hadn't even become Julian's mentor yet. Which meant, on one hand, that she was more like the woman he'd wanted to impress rather than the one who'd pushed him away. It also meant that second part was all still to come, and therefore the trust he'd once had in her just couldn't be there anymore.

He was, to the best of his ability, trying to hide how much this was bothering him from Kevin, who was with him today. Kevin had been on Julian's training squad, had been a Hellion, and as far as Kevin knew, he was still one. He had yet to experience the joy of M-Day, the squads being broken up and their classmates dying. In fact, Kevin would never have to see all of that, because pretty soon after M-Day he'd run away. Julian knew that, too, and he couldn't tell Kevin about it. Nor could he tell Kevin just exactly why he was wary of Miss Frost these days.

All that aside, when she had said she wanted to talk about their powers, and their training, he'd agreed to it. Misgivings he might have, but he needed training. They both did, and part of the problem was that Kevin had been refusing training from any of the other mutants who were already here. Miss Frost, at least, Kevin knew from home. Julian was hoping that she might be able to get through to him where everyone else had failed. And when he said everyone else, Julian was including himself in that. He was genuinely worried about Kevin, worried about the addiction Kevin kept talking about, and concerned that in spite of it Kevin wasn't getting any training to try and control his abilities. Miss Frost was someone who'd gotten through to Kevin in the past; maybe she could do it again now.

At any rate, Julian and Kevin were both on their way to see her today. Julian reached the doors to the HoA and sent Miss Frost's NV a message to say they were outside.

julian 'hellion' keller, emma frost, wither

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