look with those eyes to my heart

Jul 13, 2011 03:23

Who: omnisciens and topslug
When: Forward-dated to Friday night / right around Saturday's morning sirens
Where: Yako's house
Summary: A reunion of detectives.
Warnings: nothing but slapstick violence

the insanity of a bloodstained bird flapping his wicked wings )

neuro nougami, yako katsuragi

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Comments 14

topslug July 13 2011, 09:57:20 UTC
Yako hadn't been sleeping well until recently, but the worst of the lighthouse-induced nightmares had finally begun to fade away. It seemed as though her body was making up for those hours of lost sleep at last, sending her falling face-down into bed much earlier than she would normally sleep and keeping her solidly under until morning.

Tonight was no different.

With all of the week's obligations finally met, Yako had been so tired that she hadn't even had the chance to change out of her clothes before her head hit the pillow. The blissful, serene, slightly idiotic expression on her face now held little of the clever, far too perceptive young woman Neuro had prodded and pushed into evolving. With her mouth hanging open like that, it was a wonder she wasn't drooling onto her sheets. The occasional twitch of her fingers was the only thing that remotely betrayed any kind of cognizance of what was going on around her, and she didn't seem to feel the weight of the gazes bearing down on her.

What did register was the high, whining drone ( ... )


omnisciens July 13 2011, 19:34:03 UTC
Perfectly right!

He heard the sirens again, and many of the little eyeballs clumping on Yako's bed even turned to look out the window in surprise; Neuro didn't, because A) he's already formed a pretty good idea of what they mean, and B) he's preoccupied in aiming his hand just so in order to shoot his claws right up his sleepy partner's nose. It didn't take more than a second for his black glove to suddenly twist and grow into a handful of sinister-looking claws. It also didn't take more than a second for Neuro to change his position on the ceiling, reach forward, and effortlessly hook the tips of said claws right into Yako's nostrils, giving her a good yank to try and drag her forward ( ... )


topslug July 13 2011, 23:49:23 UTC
It took all of a split-second for the thought to form in Yako's sleep-fogged mind: he's here.

Of course, moments afterward, that was shortly followed by ow ow ow ow my nose and how did I ever think I missed this?! She made a noise that would properly be described as a squawk, pillows and more tiny demon eyeballs falling to the floor as she was bodily hauled forward. It was funny what you forgot, after a few years, and what you didn't; the sensation of her nose threatening to get ripped right off her face certainly fell into the second category.

"Neuro," she might have said, or tried to say, but the grip on her nose turned that closer to "Nyoowooo!" and her gaze went cross-eyed as she tried to focus on the demon in front of her. In a futile attempt to stop the world from spinning, she grabbed at his wrist with both hands, heedless of the spines that pricked at her palms. At a loss for words, she found herself staring, caught by that inhuman gaze ( ... )


omnisciens July 14 2011, 01:57:29 UTC
Well, that was sufficient enough - with a short chuckle, he spared her nose any further insult for now, twisted claws shrinking away from her face (although not quite far enough to say that Yako was out of the range of danger.) Yes, this was certainly the same human from Earth - there was pretty much no way Neuro could misplace that pained look he'd caused an innumerable amount of times. It was still pretty entertaining ( ... )


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