look with those eyes to my heart

Jul 13, 2011 03:23

Who: omnisciens and topslug
When: Forward-dated to Friday night / right around Saturday's morning sirens
Where: Yako's house
Summary: A reunion of detectives.
Warnings: nothing but slapstick violence

This wasn't the Earth he remembered.

It was dangerous and reckless to travel between worlds like he'd done - as he'd said, he could end up hundreds, thousands of years away from his destination, or even end up on a different plane. Of course, Neuro had the utmost confidence in his own abilities, and never expected that to actually happen. Yet here he was. The differences in the air and atmosphere - minute but quite tangible to his demonic senses - were undeniable. He'd had half a mind to try once more, once he'd gotten away from those insufferable 'Greeters,' and that had been what first alerted him to the unusual state of things in this "Siren's Port." A good deal of his powers were simply missing.

This Core was already begging for punishment. But he wasn't the type to rush in recklessly and give it a piece of his mind; that would be stupid, and he was anything but. No, he'd collect information first. It didn't take long before he'd already learned something of great interest: Yako was in the city, as well.

And Neuro couldn't help but crack his toothy grin at that. Shine brightly, she'd said - seemed like she hadn't let him down, even in some alternate dimension. How convenient that things were still playing into his hands in this world. Though he was missing many tools, it seemed his most prized one was still around. He owed her a visit, didn't he? It hadn't been more than a few minutes since he'd seen her, but for her - well, who knows. Didn't matter. If she was here, Neuro would make use of her, brittle bag of bones or not.

Naturally, there was no time wasted snooping around and pinpointing exactly where he could find the girl - even once the skies grew dark and the city grew strange, simply tracking someone down with no puzzle in the way was depressingly easy. As was scaling a building, opening a locked window and entering her room in utter silence. Child's play.

She was older, but not much. Then he hadn't taken so long after all, even with this unexpected detour; one more positive to this situation. Seeing her face gave him the greatest urge to step on it, punch it, maybe set up some kind of little trap there. He came close to doing that. Really close. In the end, he just settled for covering her bed in staring Evil Fridays and waiting patiently on the ceiling above her to wake up with his bird-eyed leer.

Surely she missed this.

neuro nougami, yako katsuragi

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