Stone age love and strange sounds, too

Jul 07, 2011 18:16

When: Friday night! The show starts at 7:30, but the doors have been open since noon. The party ends at 6am, after morning sirens. Tag yourself in whenever!
Where: Purgatory! Gabriel and Jinx's cabaret night club in Sector 5.
Summary: IT'S A ( Read more... )

blaine anderson, sander cohen, deathstroke the terminator, demyx, frau, maka albarn, chuck shurley, gabriel/the trickster, jinx, roxie hart

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atrumcanis July 8 2011, 21:07:05 UTC
[He probably isn't supposed to be here. Oh, yeah, Gabriel said he could be here, unofficially, and encouraged it--and Sirius would have come no matter what, because who cares about rules and stepping on toes or any of it. Not that he's doing what Gabriel said. But he's here anyway.

And he has a drink. And it's a fairly good drink, not as good as one of his own creation, but he'll drink it anyway. He leans against a wall in a darkish bit of the room, observing--reluctant to show that he's enjoying this at all. But how can he not, this is the best sort of music and the best sort of party and it's almost like being at home.

Jack is meant to meet him here, but he's not particularly focused--he's just watching the stage, smiling faintly.]


cowboy_newsie July 8 2011, 21:21:04 UTC
[He doesn't like Jinx very much, and he actively dislikes Gabriel. He's mildly fond of seventies music-- but really, he'd rather not mingle within crowds.

And frankly, this is all giving him flashbacks of the Mistletoe Incident.

But Sirius wants to go, and so Jack is here, his hands in his pockets, sticking to the perimeter of the building. he's pleased Sirius has at least found a dark corner in which to lurk.]

Wotcher, mate, ain't that what you bastards say?


atrumcanis July 8 2011, 21:29:58 UTC
[Sirius grins at the sound of Jack's voice, and turns about to find him. There he is, familiar as ever, and he brightens just at the sight of him.]

Wotcher, yeah, only don't pronounce it so well. Allow yourself the luxury of laziness.

[He would be reminded of the Mistletoe Incident as well, if he were allowing himself to think of it. Which he isn't.]

Isn't it brilliant!


cowboy_newsie July 8 2011, 21:30:49 UTC

[And he means it, he does.]

What're they playin'?


atrumcanis July 8 2011, 23:02:26 UTC
Who cares, it's good. It's not as if there's a program or something, you just listen.

[He stares adoringly up at the stage--those girls are fit, yeah, and that helps, but the music is also good and familiar.]

I think we're meant to know who they are--old Gabriel was carrying on as if we should--but I think he forgets that not everyone lives in America. In the modern day. Not as a wizard. He's a prat.


cowboy_newsie July 8 2011, 23:22:08 UTC
[He glances up as well, his eyes lingering on one of the girls.]

Course he is. I like this song, we oughta play it at home.


atrumcanis July 8 2011, 23:46:50 UTC
I'll work out what it is when we get home. I'm not about to ask any of them what it's called, and have 'em go all snobbish on me again.

[He takes another gulp of his drink, and nudges Jack's shoulder with it.]

D'you want one?


cowboy_newsie July 9 2011, 00:14:47 UTC
Yeah, sure-- er, wait, what is it?


atrumcanis July 9 2011, 01:27:54 UTC
Vodka. Our new favourite. Vodka and some sort of mixed-up juices, I dunno, but you'll like it.


cowboy_newsie July 9 2011, 01:31:31 UTC
Oh, that-- oye, I got in trouble for that with Ahiru.


atrumcanis July 9 2011, 02:30:10 UTC
What d'you mean in trouble, did she scold you?

[He gets the attention of the nearest bartender, and gestures for a drink for Jack.]


cowboy_newsie July 9 2011, 02:31:58 UTC
I mean she texted me and said what the hell did you do, I can't remember anythin' from last night.

[He takes the drink and knocks it back eagerly-- it's cherry flavored, which is nice.]


atrumcanis July 9 2011, 03:13:04 UTC
[He snorts into his drink.]

She didn't even have that much!


cowboy_newsie July 9 2011, 03:15:30 UTC
Yeah, but she's tiny.


atrumcanis July 9 2011, 04:13:25 UTC
And she really can't remember a thing?


cowboy_newsie July 9 2011, 04:18:12 UTC
That's what she says-- and she usually tells me the truth.

[He takes a smaller gulp and glances out to the crowd.]

I still say girls dressin' like that is weird. Oye, have you met this new dame? Alice?


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