A contract for a contract.

Jun 01, 2011 20:26

Who: ferventknight and inkyubeytor
When: June 1st, in the evening.
Where: Phancyhive Manor, Elliot Nightray's room.
Summary: Kyubey has come to bother Elliot once more about a contract and the Chain he supposedly has.
Warnings: Blood, Elliot's loud mouth, horrible flash backs, and delicious contracts.

It's not what it seems. )

elliot nightray, kyubey

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inkyubeytor June 2 2011, 03:42:46 UTC
Siren's Port had proven to be quite the interesting city. The setting was like any other city in most ways and in that sense, it was actually rather boring. What made it so unique were the individuals who were drawn to the city by 'The Core' and the abilities they possessed.

Sometimes, it could be a little overwhelming.

There were humans and demons and other scary things that went bump in the night. Not that Kyubey was afraid of any of them (he didn't understand fear, after all, at least past an instinctual level), they were all simply different sources of energy, some more potent than others.

The demon he'd met weeks ago, Claude Faustus, he was an interesting entity, as were the other individuals who lived in the same dwelling as he. One in particular, Elliot Nightray, was of interest, if not only for his rash personality and the creature, the 'Chain' his soul was attached to. It was a distinct smell, the smell of suffering and turmoil; a scent Kyubey knew all too well. It made him hungry, the thought of it and before he knew it, he'd found himself slipping into Elliot's room out from a shadowed corner, tiny paws pitter pattering across the floor. With a tiny hop he found himself atop the boy's mattress as he sat down on the end of it.

Pure, red eyes blinked slowly; once.

"Hello Elliot!"


ferventknight June 2 2011, 03:59:10 UTC
Hearing those small familiar foot steps, he gave a sigh. Maybe it wasn't what he thought it was.. But low and behold, that voice was the one thing that made him sure of who had come to bother him. Elliot didn't answer right away. He thought if he ignored him long enough, Kyubey would go bother someone else.

Of course, that didn't seem to happen. Lewis didn't seem to like the unexpected company either. Having slithered over Elliot's waist, the white rattlesnake caught sight of Kyubey before it's tail began to shake furiously. That seemed to be the only thing that caused Elliot to open his eyes and raise his head to stare at the red beady orbs before speaking in a tone lathered with annoyance.

"I told you before. No."


inkyubeytor June 2 2011, 04:11:35 UTC
The snake does little to deter Kyubey. If anything, he turns to stare at it for a moment in silence - 'I need to talk to your master. It's very important. He's in danger.' - is the message delivered before Kyubey takes the chance to bound closer to Elliot.

"I thought you might've changed your mind, considering the circumstances." It's not hard to read the mental states of those in the household - Gilbert Nightray's brothers were in trouble and as such, it was the perfect opportunity to offer a solution.

"You don't have to be bound by a Chain, Elliot, if you don't want to be."


ferventknight June 2 2011, 04:43:15 UTC
Lewis slowly calmed down, staring from Kyubey to Elliot and then once again back to Kyubey... Giving what seemed like an annoyed look of his tongue, the pale snake slithered to the top of the bed before curling up once more. With that, Elliot had glanced from Lewis to Kyubey before sitting up with an annoyed groan.

Again with this Chain business; this was becoming utter nonsense. He was about to snap and throw this damn.. cat looking thing against the wall if he wasn't careful.

"Listen! We've been over this how many times?!" More times than Elliot could ever count. "I don't have a Chain! Gilbert has a Chain! Vincent has a Chain! Go bother them you idiot!"


inkyubeytor June 2 2011, 04:58:50 UTC
There was a soft sigh. Usually he wasn't supposed to pressure the contractee so much but...desperate times called for desperate means. The rules could be bent slightly if need be, of course.

"You're rather stubborn. Is it really so easy for humans to deny such things? I would think it'd be difficult."

The fluffy white tail twitched back and forth as he stared up at Elliot, unblinking. "I can show you, if you don't believe me."


ferventknight June 2 2011, 05:08:46 UTC
"I'm not denying anything because it isn't true!" To Elliot, he was speaking the truth. There was nothing to show him in his mind.

Clutching the blankets, the Nightray continued to stare at the annoyance before him getting off the bed and walking across the room. Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense! Pacing back and forth, he figured he'd take him up on that offer..

There was nothing to show Elliot had thought. "Fine," he agreed through gritting teeth. "Show me what you're talking about if you're so determined!"


inkyubeytor June 5 2011, 19:55:10 UTC
There was nothing to show? Oh no. That certainly wasn't the case at all. There were a lot of memories to show - memories that Elliot simply couldn't remember due to the Chain that held a grip on his soul so tightly.

As soon as Elliot agreed, Kyubey's eyes flashed a brilliant red as the Incubator stared directly into a pair of blue ones. He pierced Elliot's subconscious with his gaze, projecting memories long forgotten back to the boy. The deaths of his brothers, the death of his sister - Humpty Dumpty's disgusting figure and gaping mouth - all of it was played back to Elliot in his mind for him to witness firsthand.

"It's true, see?"


ferventknight June 7 2011, 00:20:03 UTC
As soon as Elliot began seeing what he had lost deep within his memory, his eyes had widened. No, no. This had to be a lie.

A damn lie! He wouldn't believe it, no. No, no, no..! Seeing himself stand over his brothers with his sword in hand. This wasn't a nightmare. This was real..?! Seeing Vanessa.. Claude, Ernest! Shutting his eyes now, he gripped the side of his head before getting onto his knees.

He couldn't take it, his mind couldn't take it. It was a lie, it had to be..! The one thing he was after couldn't have been himself.

"Stop it!"


inkyubeytor June 10 2011, 07:03:09 UTC
"Accept the truth, Elliot Nightray. Stop denying the truth to yourself. Don't you want to know? Humans are naturally curious creatures, after all."

Kyubey doesn't stop. Oh no. The memories are as vivid as ever. They'll end once Elliot has accepted them and seen them for what they are - the truth.

It will end, but only when Elliot's memories are restored.


ferventknight June 10 2011, 21:45:41 UTC
"Shut up!"

Elliot continued to scream his words at the top of his lungs, his mind continuously playing the flashbacks his Chain had suppressed. He doesn't want to know, he doesn't want to see any of this! He wasn't the killer! He couldn't have been..! No, no, no, NO. He was lying, this little bastard was just trying to get him to--

But that was when Elliot gripped his own chest and realized.. Blood. He hadn't gotten hit. Nothing injured him, what was happening?! This was all a trick.. but if it was.

..why had there been his own blood? Only then did Elliot's voice go quiet before staring at the blood stained glove upon his hand. "What are--..?" Even more memories. Seeing Humpty Dumpty.

Seeing Leo. Where were they? --saving the children who had been missing from the orphanage. Elliot just fell and hit his head, he thought! He wasn't-- The image kept going through his mind before gripping onto his chest once more. Wanting to know or not, Elliot didn't ask for this. "You're lying!"


inkyubeytor June 12 2011, 10:29:27 UTC
Well the blood...that was a new one. Kyubey'd never seen that happen as a side effect. It's a little concerning, but not enough for him to stop - not yet.

"The only one who is lying is you, Elliot Nightray! You're lying to yourself!"

Memories bombard the boy - memories that none should be privy to, memories that shouldn't even exist. But they do, suppressed by Humpty Dumpty. They exist and Elliot will see them. Only when he accepts them will he be ready to form a contract.


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