A contract for a contract.

Jun 01, 2011 20:26

Who: ferventknight and inkyubeytor
When: June 1st, in the evening.
Where: Phancyhive Manor, Elliot Nightray's room.
Summary: Kyubey has come to bother Elliot once more about a contract and the Chain he supposedly has.
Warnings: Blood, Elliot's loud mouth, horrible flash backs, and delicious contracts.

[Things were never happy in this place, were they? Absolutely not.

Ever since Elliot spoke with Ciel, he kept himself cooped up into his room. He didn't understand why he was in danger, but for whatever reason he was.  From what Elliot had heard, people were trying to frame he and his brother. To be honest, he couldn't put anything past Vincent. For all he knew, his older brother could have done something and he was denying it. But in Elliot's mind, he was absolutely innocent.

What could he have done?

This was ridiculous. Rolling over in his bed, he stared at the wall with a look of disgust. This was beyond ridiculous. The young Nightray closed his eyes to give better thought to this; he was trying to remain calm. There was a possibility that his temper wouldn't last long, but was long as he wasn't disturbed then Elliot could keep a quiet mind and think everything out.

We'll see how long that would last.]

elliot nightray, kyubey

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