When I was young, oh so much younger than today --

Mar 26, 2010 22:29

Who: Aoyagi Ritsuka (little_bandages) & Ishida Ryuuken (quincy_dilf)

When: 3/26/10, 11AM

Where: Dr. Ishida's office.

Summary: Ritsuka's stopped by on the pretense of needing bandages. He has a few questions about his health, but he's also trying to gather up the courage to ask for help from a strange adult.

Warnings: Possible angst on Ritsuka's end. All else TBA.

Ritsuka was nervous. While he was a brave boy in general, the recent stories of abductions, killings and the like set him on edge. He hadn't really thought of how much he'd come to depend on Soubi's protection. He knew he was strong enough on his own, but he hated not knowing what was going on and not knowing how he would be planning to face it. It was all out of his hands again, but this wasn't like being at home. There wasn't a clear-cut reason for any of it. He was just here, alone (and if anyone had asked him, he might not have been able to contain the fact that he was just a little bit relieved he might never see his mother again), and only a kid. He never liked thinking of himself that way, and always carried himself with grace, but the truth was the truth. He didn't want to turn himself into the authorities for help, considering they disliked newcomers and he might soon become someone's lab rat due to government corruption. But as much as it galled him, the spooky girl from the NV was right. He couldn't live completely apart from them either, not without something awful befalling him, and he wasn't willing to allow that to happen.

So Ritsuka had to find help. A doctor seemed like a reasonable place to start. Big Boss had also given him food and seemed like an option, but unlike the intense eye-patched man, Dr. Ishida was high-profile and at least supposedly beholden to a set of rules and ethics. Ritsuka had trusted doctors to care for him in the past, so why not now?

The small, underweight cat-eared boy took a deep breath as he entered the hospital, found the right room and told the lady at the desk he was waiting on an appointment. Ritsuka pulled his purple jacket around him tightly. It still smelled of Soubi - of cigarettes and a masculine cologne, of his shampoo, and the faint tang of what was probably blood.

The monsters, the possible mobs, the cops and the natives of the city weren't what was making Ritsuka nervous. Not really. It was the man's voice, not knowing what he looked like. Dr. Ishida was a father, and for some reason, trying to imagine what he was like made him deeply uncomfortable.

aoyagi ritsuka, ishida ryuuken

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