Who: Samus Aran and Fransizka Von Karma
When: Waaaaaaaay backdated to just after the Cultists arrests.
Where: Frans office
Summary: Samus giving her statement to the prosecuting Lawyer
Warnings: Er...maybe language, can't see anything else.
Lawyers weren't something that made Samus comfortable. Sure technically they fulfilled the same role, protecting the public from the criminal element...but Bounty Hunter's and Lawyers seldom mixed well. Samus had always found lawyers to be too hidebound and needlessly mired in rules and regulations, and they in turn found her reckless and needlessly aggressive.
Von Karma though....she was going to be prosecuting the head cultist, and this was something Samus would not abide missing out on. Even if her injures kept her out of the trial, she was going to do her part. So with a deep breath she raised a hand and rapped lightly on the prosecutors door.