Training Nobodies for Dummies

Mar 02, 2011 10:57

Who: pullsheavendown, todomarishi
When: Monday, the 28th
Where: Outside somewhere.
Summary: Terra has issues. Roxas gets fed up with those issues when they keep him from learning fancy new fighting tricks.
Warnings: None

[Several weeks earlier, Roxas had asked him for training. Several weeks earlier, Terra had said no. But no hadn't been an answer Roxas had been willing to accept, which Terra had found out in short order. So for several weeks since that day, the two had met at scheduled times to improve Roxas' fighting prowess.

Only one problem had remained. With the title of Master a dream he feared he could no longer pursue, Terra wasn't especially comfortable taking on the role of teacher. He'd lost his chance to be a Keyblade Master. Although his own Master was now present in Siren's Port, he knew he was no longer worthy of the Mark. Even as an Assistant Instructor at the academy, he strove to do more assisting than instructing. It had worked out well there. Roxas' training was another matter altogether. The boy lacked his own admiration and fondness for the title. He didn't understand the importance, the gravity of it all. How disrespectful it might be, to act as a Master when one had fallen so far.

Terra had been left with no choice. He developed a way to train Roxas that didn't infringe on his Keybearer rank.

And Roxas had been left to perfect the art of wind sprinting.

It'll build up your stamina, he'd told him the first time Roxas had questioned his lessons. He'd repeated that explanation for each grumbling that had come about thereafter. Stamina first. Master the basics.

Aqua had returned to Siren's Port and Terra had hoped she, as an actual Master, might draw Roxas' attention. No such luck. Roxas had continued to show up for his "lessons", though they'd consisted of nothing but basic exercises since the day they'd started his training.

And that brought the both of them to the here and now.

Terra's even less interested than usual when it comes time to head out for Roxas' training Monday. He summons a pillar of rock, only a foot taller than the boy, and takes a seat on the ledge of it. Keeping the spell up and in one piece is good practice for his own stamina - his magic stamina, that is. From up on his post, he watches Roxas go through the motions. He's letting Roxas down now, too, but he can't get over his conviction that he shouldn't train the Nobody. At least the guilt's been easier to ignore lately. Terra can't remember a time in his life when he'd been so busy. Jobs, purposes, finding a house, paying for everything, keeping up his own training, trying to deal with the troubles arising from not one but at least two, and possibly even three, Xehanorts. He needs to make time for his friends, but it's getting to the point where he's wondering whether there's a spell out there that might add more hours to his days. Sacrificing sleep for more time hasn't been working out so great.

Terra sighs to himself and folds his arms over his chest, looking up to focus on the goings-on in the distance.

Only another half hour left to go.]

roxas, terra

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