This is the death of beauty; the doves have died

Mar 01, 2011 21:00

Who: Cultists, The Kidnapped, The Rescue Crew, Oh My!
When: Wednesday, Before 5pm
Where: 4 Locations, to be described in further detail below. OH LOOK, THERE'S A HANDY DANDY MAP OF THE RITUAL SITES!
Summary: The core must be awakened? Not today, Siren's Port. Newcomers are saved from a ritual sacrifice.
Warnings: Kidnapping, Torture, Occult nonsense, Branding, Bloodletting, Potential death, Beatin' up kooks & all that good stuff. Not for the faint of heart, folks.

A word on how this will roll:

There are 4 locations the cult has set up to perform their ritual. These are all properties either owned or rented by cult members, and locals may have seen suspicious activity going on while the victims were transferred here last night. These locations may be discovered by whatever means of investigation you'd like to play out, but we'd ideally aim for rescue teams to arrive at each of these locations to crash the cult party on the afternoon on Wednesday, March 2nd. Sundown is when this ritual has been set to rock.

Since the broadcast, the kidnapped newcomers, still kept physically paralyzed by powers, have been brought to four sites. There they will be tended to by 5-8 cult members each, washed by hand with their special markings/scars rebandaged, made to drink kool aid from a ceremonial bowl of water, and will be sprinkled with ash.  They will be prepared for the bloodletting ritual, which the cult members will take great care to perform simultaneously, at 5pm sharp.

...From the looks of their tools, they're planning on aligning you with the core, tied together in an outward-facing circle, branding your marked sites with a seal of their own, and plunging a dagger into your hearts. Spooky, neh?

East: Ciel, Alois, An Unknown NPC and Oz are in a dockside warehouse in Sector 11.

North: Fang, Akira, An Unknown NPC and Veser are in an old cottage antique shop basement, just north of Sector 4.

South: Urick, Liquid, Midna & Vanille are in the boathouse of a private property in Sector 6

West: Samus, Allen, An Unknown NPC & Neji are in a residential four car garage in sector 5.

The Unknowns are locals and AGI slaves, also tattooed or marked, which have been falsely sold to the cult as 'chosen newcomers'.

Each rescue scene will have a separate thread- this is to keep things from getting too complicated. On your tag-in post, please add a note with any OOC limitations for what you do NOT want to happen to your character as an outcome. NPC tags may be a little slow, but Kelly-mod will try her dearest ; ) Most cult members can be taken down without too much fuss, as they are mostly weak willed fanatics. However it's up to the players facing off with them what crazy powers they might have up their blue-robed sleeves.

Most importantly, Have fun, guys!  You can PM me at magicnme  or IM me at magicnme4e with any additional questions, ideas, requests for a particular NPC encounter.

veser amaker hatch, magneto, naruto uzumaki, hyuuga neji, hope estheim, tifa lockhart, fang baskerville, nara shikamaru, *event, hitsugaya toushirou, alois trancy, tenten, akira inugami, laughing beauty, garrus vakarian, samus aran, †: alex mercer, liquid snake

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