creaaative title goes here | closed, son.

Jan 15, 2010 18:07

Who: bigjalapeno & torporheart
When: evening time, then night tiiime. oh, um & on thhheee 15th of january?
Where: baseball field! ( miharu. what. )
Summary: miharu. oh, miharu. he's trying to figure things out on his own, and this has lead him to heading back where he showed up. BUT GUESS WHO HE'S GONNA MEET? GUESS. :D
Warnings: skinny tiny child. giant huge gargoyle. ( Read more... )

miharu rokujou, broadway

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bigjalapeno January 16 2010, 00:22:41 UTC
There had been something about seeing and Elisa and Goliath, finally...

The image of them together on the highest tower of the castle stayed in his subconscious and revisted him that day in his dreams, but the more he tried to focus on it, the more it changed. Elisa would have wings, Goliath would have less hair... until finally it was himself and Angela that he could see embracing each other over the city skyline.

'What a nice surprise,' she said, taking is hand in hers, 'We'll have to do this again when you get back.'

Back? Where was he going?

In the dream, she smiled at him, and he felt safe. Which brought to mind that he must have felt unsafe before... but why?It was too late to go any further in the dream. The sun was finally going down ( ... )


torporheart January 16 2010, 06:57:48 UTC
He had dozed again, in those moments since sitting. Of course now, he's sitting in the grass frozen, with eyes wide and locked on the monster that--



Wasn't it a statue? WHAT. WHAT IS. WHAT. UMMMM.

Maybe if he doesn't make a sound, it won't notice him.


bigjalapeno January 16 2010, 10:00:20 UTC
Broadway's eyes went wide as he took in the scene around him. Where was the clan? Wait a minute... where was the castle? Although he was quite sure he remembered the sun coming up with him on one of the tallest buildings in Manhattan, now for some reason he was waking up in the middle of a field... a baseball field, with the city some distance away from him on all sides. Which meant... somebody had moved him in his sleep.

A frustrated growl tore through his throat, and his eyes glowed white as if preparing for an ambush. Xanatose! Elisa had told them not to trust that guy!

"Oh great. This is just GREAT!" He growled again, before suddenly a small movement made him look down. The light faded and his eyes instantly returned to normal when he realized that the small, terrified teenager at his feet was not actually a threat. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost, but Broadway was willing to bet it was something more familiar that had him spooked. "Uh-oh."

And things just kept getting better...


torporheart January 16 2010, 10:07:38 UTC
That growl was reason enough to wince. Miharu's seen a lot of strange things, but this is by far. That guy- from before- he had warned him about monsters, and now here he was sitting next to one.

From wide eyed and staring, to slightly curled and eyes shut tight; Miharu's waiting. He could do something, right? Set it on fire? Spirit away to somewhere else?

Wait. 'Uh-oh'? 'Uh-oh'?

The boy is looking back at it, still wary, but there's curiosity in it now.


What should he say to it?

"You were a- statue?"


bigjalapeno January 17 2010, 04:37:00 UTC
For a moment they just looked at each other: the human and the gargoyle. Broadway wasn't sure if the boy was going to try to fight him or just burst into tears and run, but he wasn't really looking forward to either option. Stupid Xanatos, moving him in his sleep. He'd pay for this.

"Statue. Uh..." he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, and looked up at the night sky as if it would offer him some advice, but none came. They weren't supposed to just go around telling humans that they turned to stone during the day. Still, what was he supposed to do now? Deny it? "...yeah. I was, but I'm awake now. Do me a favor, and don't tell anyone about this, alright ( ... )


torporheart January 17 2010, 04:45:55 UTC
With tiny shoulders raised, and his torso sunk in a little, it's apparent that he's still nervous. Of course, it's the first time he's encountered anything like this. It talks though and it doesn't sound hostile.

There's a long look at the massive offered hand, but finally, small and frail and weightless, he sets his own into it. Sure, it took him a moment, but really- if it wanted to hurt him wouldn't have done that already? His head is still on his neck, his organs are still under the pitiful lock and key of his bones. He's in one piece.

Besides, standing on his own lately has been rather difficult. Difficult as in it's lead to small bouts of dizziness and unsteady footing.

He pulls himself up, with too-large wrinkled pajamas, and bruised scuffed up dirty knees. He has to let a breath, little invisible moths fluttering out of him. When he's completely up, he moves his hand away.

"I thought it was strange, seeing one out here." Then, "I won't tell anyone. So, don't worry too much."


bigjalapeno January 17 2010, 05:03:36 UTC
Humans were usually, comparatively, easy to lift. But this kid? It was as effortless as picking up Cagney, the cat. He felt like he might break in half, and took his hand back as if he were afraid he would be broken in half. Broadway wasn't offended by it. He was used to it... they all were. But that didn't make it any less annoying.

"Thanks," he replied, when the boy promised not to tell on him. "Yeah, it is strange. Strange for me, too, since this isn't where I went to sleep. I gotta get home... find out if the rest of the clan was moved, too. Still, I don't get it. Why get dropped off by myself, and why in the middle of a baseball field?" After all, he could see the skyline not far off. It wasn't as if he wouldn't end up right back at the castle and demand to know what kind of game Xanatos was trying to play with them.

That's exactly what he needed to do. Get out of that creepy field, get somewhere high up, and get his bearings so he could glide home. Just as soon as he finished up with this kid. "Hey, what's your name?"


torporheart January 17 2010, 05:07:40 UTC

He can't help watching him. It's frightening, but exciting all at once. Strange and fascinating. He's seen a girl that can become a cat, and cat into girl, he has the Shinrabanshou. There's a lot of strange things back home, in Nabari, but he's never had a 'conversation' with a monster before.

"I woke up here, too, before," he says, as if it'll help somehow. It probably won't. "But it isn't Japan. This place."


bigjalapeno January 17 2010, 10:39:50 UTC
"Japan?" Well, the name certainly sounded Japanese. But it didn't make sense that a human would have just woken up in the middle of a baseball field. Who'd do that to a kid? Broadway figured he must have misunderstood him. It was easier than assuming this scrawny thing had some serious enemies. "No, it's New York." At least, he was pretty sure it was New York. "You mean you don't know where you are? Where's your clan? I mean... family. Where are your parents ( ... )


torporheart January 18 2010, 03:27:21 UTC
"Is it New York?" Obviously, he isn't sure either.

A little hand, covered and draped with the fabric of his sleeve, comes up so he can rub his head some as he listens. It drops again, and he tilts- slouches- to one side, before kicking the grass slightly. "My parents died a long time ago. I haven't seen Grandmother in a few months, either. I don't know where everyone else is, if they're here or not. It's better if they don't come, though."

That dry, half-lidded gaze, lifts from dirt and grass at Broadway's comment. A mildly curious blink. "You're hungry?"


bigjalapeno January 18 2010, 12:45:19 UTC
This boy didn't even know what city he was in? Well, that couldn't be good. And no family around, either. Come to think of it, he did look kind of ragged. Maybe he was homeless? Broadway considered bringing him down to the mutants' hideout, where they usually ran a soup kitchen. Then again, maybe he already belonged to some shelter somewhere else.

Or maybe he'd just ran away from a hospital ward or something. That would explain the confusion. And the pajamas.

"Yeah," he answered Miharu's question, "I gotta start heading back home. Don't you? I mean... do you live around here or something? Who takes care of you?"


torporheart January 18 2010, 13:18:56 UTC
'Kumohira-sensei,' he originally thinks of saying, but then memories remind him:

No. He left Kumohira to join with Kairoushuu. But why? Why had he-- And Yukimi was with him a lot, then, right? But, it started out that Yukimi didn't like him very much. He said things like, 'You damn brat!' and 'Shut up! Brat!'

And before he blacked out. What happened? Those people from Kasa- Yukimi- What.

He doesn't know anymore. If someone came, from his world, who would take care of him? Does he need to be taken care of? Is he really so useless? Because that's what is, after all, he's being useless and a burden and that's why people find the need to look after him.

There's a dispel of air, and it makes him deflate a little. "I don't live here. Well, I guess, I do. Because they said, 'Go to the apartments so you can get your key.' like I was expected.

I take care of myself." And does a damn good job of it.


Enter Battlesoul Hounds bigjalapeno January 18 2010, 15:45:35 UTC
Well, at least he had a place ot live. It sounded like Miharu didn't know much more than Broadway did about what was going on. He was bout to ask who 'They' was, when he heard yet another growl.

And this one wasn't his stomach. But it was something equally as hungry...

Out from the darkness came a crouched creature that looked like a large dog with glowing eyes. Broadway's first instinct was hoping it would just turn out to be Bronx, but no such luck. "What the--?"

Behind that dog, two other dogs appeared, and they fanned out, seeming to have the intention of surrounding their prey.

"Miharu," he said slowly, pushing the boy behind him with one arm, "Maybe you should go home. Like, now."

He turned and faced the beast-dogs, allowing his own eyes to glow, challenging them. They weren't like any monster he'd seen before. Maybe... maybe Xanatos wasn't behind this, after all.

"...nice doggy."


torporheart January 18 2010, 15:53:35 UTC
It's Miharu's first instinct to go tense, lock up, straight and rigid and trembling. They're frightening, ghastly in a sense. He's never seen anything like it either, but he may have seen some trotting around outside his first night.

"I can- I can do something," he mutters, still warily watching. He has to touch Broadway to help, so he grabs a thick wrist suddenly without asking, huddles close, and utters the appropriate jutsu before letting a breath of air.

There's a small whirlwind that surrounds the two - winged-monster and boy - and blades of grass swirl around them for a fleeting moment, before the two spirit away--

They only hand right behind the Battlesoul Hounds and Miharu collpases, it took too much out of him just to move them a few feet. He's gasping a little, trying to take in some oxygen, quick and rapid.


bigjalapeno January 18 2010, 16:22:03 UTC
The dogs snapped their jaws, but didn't charge yet. Broadway knew that would change as soon as the boy started running, but he'd hold them off. Unfortunately, the boy didn't start running, and instead offered to help ( ... )


torporheart January 18 2010, 16:49:57 UTC
The third is still present. Glowing, orange (yellow?) eyes locked onto doe green (fearful) eyes. He's quavering, sputtering a little as he coughs, and there's a feeble attempt to stand, but he drops, huffing.

Another attempt, eyes focused more on the ground, but that 'missing' third is rapidly coming closer, swift eager lopes.


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