creaaative title goes here | closed, son.

Jan 15, 2010 18:07

Who: bigjalapeno & torporheart
When: evening time, then night tiiime. oh, um & on thhheee 15th of january?
Where: baseball field! ( miharu. what. )
Summary: miharu. oh, miharu. he's trying to figure things out on his own, and this has lead him to heading back where he showed up. BUT GUESS WHO HE'S GONNA MEET? GUESS. :D
Warnings: skinny tiny child. giant huge gargoyle. ( Read more... )

miharu rokujou, broadway

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bigjalapeno January 18 2010, 16:22:03 UTC
The dogs snapped their jaws, but didn't charge yet. Broadway knew that would change as soon as the boy started running, but he'd hold them off. Unfortunately, the boy didn't start running, and instead offered to help.

"No," he answered firmly, "Just run."

Instead he felt a little hand wrap his wrist, and the grass around them seems to fly up and circle them in a great wind. He roared defiantly against the wind. The last time something like this had happened, he and his clan hadn't woken up for one thousand years. Instead, when the blades of grass parted and the wind died, he found himself in the same year, in the same field... just in a different spot.

"Huh. Weird. Was that you Miharu?" No answer, "Miharu?" He turned and looked down to see the boy on the ground again, apparently struggling just to breathe. "Oh no! Are you oka--MMF!"

One of the hounds and charged right into him from behind, nearly sending him off his feet, but Broadway was solid, so only staggered forward a little before whipping his tail around so it snapped right against the creature's eye. It yelped a feel back a bit, if only temporarily. When he turned back to the fight, a second hound ran with incredible speed and leapt, launching itself right at the gargoyle's neck. He managed to catch it on either side of its head, steering its jaws away so they snapped shut just barely in front of his face.

Broadway roared again, and threw the creature so it went barreling into the body of the first hound, and he gave them both a smug smile, almost daring them to get up again, which, of course, they did.

Wait... one. Two...

Hadn't there been a third one?


torporheart January 18 2010, 16:49:57 UTC
The third is still present. Glowing, orange (yellow?) eyes locked onto doe green (fearful) eyes. He's quavering, sputtering a little as he coughs, and there's a feeble attempt to stand, but he drops, huffing.

Another attempt, eyes focused more on the ground, but that 'missing' third is rapidly coming closer, swift eager lopes.


bigjalapeno January 18 2010, 17:04:21 UTC
By the time Broadway had located the third hound, it had almost been too late. It lunged at the collapsed boy, and the gargoyle had barely enough time to grab him by his shoulders and pluck him off the ground.

Rather than catch Miharu's frail leg, the hound's teeth snapped shut on a good bunch of fabric from the ill-fitting pajamas. In a panic, Broadway brought his fist down on the top of the creature's head, stunning it, but it still would not let go. Instead it ran away, tearing off some of the fabric and taking it along for the ride. No matter, as long as it left the leg.

Then Broadway was running, too. The first two hounds were at his heels. The strange magic-child lay limply in the crook of one of his arms. He couldn't fight these things. Not by himself, and certainly not like this.

It was time to escape and regroup. He'd bring Miharu back to the castle with him if he had to, or to Elisa's place where he could sleep. Then he could find the rest of the clan. Goliath would know what to do. Angela had been to Japan. Lex was good with kids. It would all work out. If he could just get away...


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