The Unicorn and the Spider

Jan 31, 2011 20:58

Who: notamare and Anyone!
When: Monday, late afternoon/evening
Where: All over - she's a wandering!
Summary: Unicorn has the urge to explore again. She is not alone.
Warnings: Nothing above PG I'd bet - but she has the reformed GermanShepherd/Spider with her. She's keeping him in line though!
Note: The opening is prose because I tl;dr like a teal deer, but replies can be action or prose, whatever you're comfortable with!

It wasn't uncommon for a Unicorn to claim one territory and stay in it for a very long time. It was uncommon for a Unicorn to claim a territory near humans, and stay in it for a long time. Often, she made herself as scarce as possible, staying well away from humans save for the occasional time she spoke up on the network thing.

THe more people that showed up, the more isolated she felt, and though she wouldn't admit it to herself, it was her own fault. Her own pride and nature that kept it that way. Still, the Spider she'd rescued and reformed had been company enough, even though it spoke little. Perhaps that is what caused Unicorn to move from the lake she had been lounging by with her companion. She had no intention of dismissing any who happened across her - quite the contrary, she would welcome it.

So if someone happened to see a mottled German Shepherd sized tarantula wandering nearby, but never straying too far from the silver coat of a Unicorn that gracefully walked on a path only she determined, it was not a trick of the light.

urahara kisuke, toboe, amalthea-unicorn

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