Ninja's first movie night.

Jan 30, 2011 18:00

Who: outbursting and Hoshigaki Kisame.
When: Friday Jan 28th
Where: Kisame's place in Sector 4
Summary: Yosuke is coming over to introduce Kisame to the age old tradition of the movie night.
Warnings: Um PG-13 for now?

Getting to the station to meet Yosuke after work had been simple enough, though he still wanted to shake his head at the rest of the city. People and their cars. He could get across the city faster over the rooftops without even the least strain. He had to admit that the subway had benefits though, and it made a convenient place to meet people. He'd done well so far in keeping his residence hidden--even under the pressure from the station to update where he was living--and this way he could make sure Yosuke hadn't been followed.

He ignored the looks he was getting from passers by. In this city openly carrying a sword, even the normal katana he was wearing today, was strange but as far as Kisame was concerned, the more space people gave him, the better. Kisame didn't particularly care if he made them nervous, after all, and he wouldn't be hanging around long.

kisame hoshigaki, yosuke hanamura

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