You sell your soul tonight and in the morning there's something not quite right

Jan 15, 2011 16:15

Who: Edgeworth, Jack, Sirius, Tyki and Godot
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The auction center
Summary: Jack and Sirius are being sold as slaves; Tyki, Godot and Edgeworth (somewhat reluctantly) work together to try and be sure they're sold to the right people.

To someone new to the slave trade business, the atmosphere in the room might have been surprising: rather than a grim and serious air, the men and women attending the auction carried themselves with cheer, talking carelessly amongst themselves as they waited for the slaves to arrive. This was, to them, nothing more than a business deal; the fact that human beings and not good were being traded was of little importance to them.

The room was spacious enough, though the lack of windows made for a stifling sort of feeling. Though there were enough people in the room to be called a crowd, they were dispersed enough that no one felt particularly uncomfortable or jostled. At the head of the room there was a raised platform, with seven small metal hooks jutting out of the front: where the slaves themselves would be chained once they arrived, just to be certain there would be no escape.

[OOC: Right, my darlings, so because of both the number of people and the length of the log we're doing, I think it's easiest if we tackle it like this: I'll set up a few starter threads to note times/events, and people can tag beneath them, mingling, discussing, interacting with NPCs if you'd like, etc. The only one for which there would need to be some structure would be the actual auction itself, and that we'll sort out once we get there-- I'll start it, I suppose, and then whomever sees this first can tag after me, and another after that, until we establish some kind of pattern. Sound decent? Also, feel free to use action!tags or prose!tags, it's your choice. <3]

sirius black, tyki mikk, godot, miles edgeworth, jack kelly

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