atrumcanis and
girlyboywonderWhen: Wednesday December 22, 2 pm
Where: a park in Sector 2. Lots of twos in this log!
Summary: A MAGIC SHOW. Because even the most basic of spells can manage to impress a muggle!
Warnings: ....magic? I don't think anything will Siriusly seriously go awry here.
Sirius leaned his elbows against the fence surrounding the outdoor skating rink, unable to keep from smirking. He was easily entertained; it was a facet of his personality that he was completely aware of, and had no trouble admitting to. Being easily amused only meant that there were more opportunities for amusement--and the more opportunities for amusement, the better. There were far too many people dead set on taking everything with a gritty solemnity, people who could, inexplicably, not appreciate the sight of someone's portly dad crashing to the ice in a tangle of limbs and bruised egos.
Really, the number of people who considered themselves skaters, he mused, mentally ticking off his count as yet another person fell onto the ice in an undignified sprawl--a girl this time, probably the equivalent of a fifth year. If he had leaned to the side, he likely could have seen straight up her skirt--and who wore skirts while ice skating, what a stupid decision.
But he wasn't here for looking up skirts, and he wasn't here for social commentary. He was here to show some bird--and he only knew that she was a bird because of Jack; this idea of texting was still strange and foreign in its anonymity--some magic. Only he didn't know what she looked like, he realised, grinning a little as some tyke fell and cracked his chin on the ice. He ought to have asked Jack, or brought Jack along.
Well, she'd find him, he told himself. After all, he was the only one leaning against the fence watching the ice skaters. And if she didn't show up, it hadn't been a waste of an afternoon--he had, at least, been momentarily entertained.