What is conventional travelling...?

Dec 03, 2010 15:58

Who: Neji and Temari
When: Evening
Where: Tea shop
Summary: Temari runs into Neji when she is on the way home from a mission. The two ninjas visit the tea house for some friendly time.
Warnings: Probably none? Will be updated if necessary.

Above the buildings of Siren Port, a figure dashes from one to another in quick succession. Temari has opts out of her ninja outfit for warmer clothing. For now, she wears a trench coat over a turtle neck top and long pants with a pair of knee high boots that hide her knee guards. The only sign of recognition is her trademark blonde hair, her Suna head protector, and the large scroll on her back.

Her mission has been completed without any glitch, even if the person she was protecting blabbered non stop about cosmetics and fancy clothing. But it pays well and that keeps her from shutting the woman up for good. The new home she shares with Sakura isn't cheap but she's willing to work harder if it means a safer home for the both of them.

She continues to leap pass buildings, at the same time keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps if she's lucky, she'll be able to catch her elusive friend. Temari is also concerns over Edgeworth's warning. Who are those killers? She wonders what can be achieves by killing newcomers? Whatever their aims are, is it worth it to take away the life of innocent people? But her thoughts quickly vanish when she catches sight of a familiar figure not too far away. She stops and wait to give him the chance to detect her presence, which she is sure, he would already have by now.

temari, hyuuga neji

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