Heaven help me

Nov 29, 2010 21:14

Who: Sanji and Nami
When: Tuesday!
Where: the office of Brooke's Musical Emporium
Summary: figuring out what to do with Brooke's now that the owner has vanished
Warnings: psh not likely

For the last few days, life around the music shop and cafe seemed to just go on as normal, but quietly, mostly because Sanji was not in his usual sunny mood at all. The loss of Brooke and Zoro wasn't widely known or announced yet, so the customers knew nothing, but it still weighed heavily on the cook's shoulders. He had told Nami they could talk about what to do about the shop later, at a better time, but so far he had just trudged through each day by rote and hadn't really thought about making that "better time" happen. He still smiled for the girls, for Nami and Rikku, but it was a shadow of his normal self.

At least the cold weather was a good excuse to keep hot tea and cocoa going at all times. Sanji made himself another cup of his strongest black blend, with cinnamon and milk, and fixed a second cup for Nami. He wanted to check on her, and make sure she was handling things better than he was.


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