gonna let everything just happen [OPEN]

Nov 30, 2010 01:15

Who: blazingstatic and YOU. All of you.
When: After nightfall, any day of this week you like.
Where: The streets, yo.
Summary: Lightning almost triples her patrols in an effort to find a trace of Fang or Sazh, but ends up running into any number of other City residents instead. This comes as a surprise to nobody.
Warnings: Probably violence and language, let’s be honest.
Note: So Lightning’s meant to be bumping into a bunch of people during the Darkness now, so I'm putting this all in one page to make things easier. I'll put up comments for a few people, but generally you can just start a thread and assume she's doing something (walking around, sitting in an alleyway healing herself with l'Cie magic, attacking things, running somewhere, jumping off high things, etc). Join another encounter and grab some bonus CR, if you like!

Ever since she’d arrived, Lightning had spent every other night out in the Darkness. This was partly because she’d be stupid if she didn’t build up a solid map of the City in her head as soon as possible, and partly because she was otherwise stumped for things to do. With no assignments, no one to chase down - or even to run from - and their small fragment of family struggling to pretend they could function as a normal, well-adjusted unit, she was at somewhat of a loose end. They all were. It was actually a relief to stalk through the Darkness, steps light as not to alert the monsters she could sneak past, and saber drawn to deal quickly with the ones she couldn’t. Occasionally, after a particularly difficult skirmish, she would have to crouch in a side street, the glowing blue residue of a healing spell betraying her position for the few seconds it took to repair the cuts and bruises of the fight. Normal fare for Lightning, really.

This week, it was different. Fang had left the apartment on some errand or another, and she hadn’t come back. Her NV was off, or broken, or out of range; every attempt to contact her had ended in failure. That night, and every night after it, Lightning’s patrols had doubled, then tripled, until she was only returning to the apartment in the early hours of the morning to catch a few hours’ sleep before the others woke up. She didn’t know if Vanille had realised the truth of the situation, but that was just one more reason. As were the NV posts mentioning slaves, and the brief spell of illness that had hit their apartment before they started drinking bottled water. Any of these could be the reason Fang was missing; it might not be the 'Newcomer Killers'. She just needed to keep believing that.

lightning farron, uchiha itachi, kia welbehenna, akira inugami, *open log

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