Who: All your l'Cie
When: Monday, November 22nd around noon
Where: l'Cie apartment in Sector 4 and outside
Summary: They have a newest member in their family now, don't they?
Warnings: n/a, pretty much cuteness levels unless something happens and then I'll put up a warning.
Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot little puppies. )
And yet, there she was, wrapped up in mismatched scarf and gloves, being snowed on and watching Faith and Hope and their rather pathetic clash of wills. It's important that it knows all of us... or something. She remained as still as she could barring the occasional shift from foot to foot or folding and unfolding of arms, and was fully resolved not to contribute anything to the exercise if she could possibly help it.
Maybe she could even find Santa hats for all of them! The way she and Lightning had worn antlers when they'd protector the carolers. Then they'd all look adorable!
She shuffled closer to Lightning, leaning to the side to ask in what she imagined was a stealthy whisper, "Where do you find Santa outfits anyway?"
"Who knows?" She finally muttered back, making a mental note to be a lot more cautious around Fang and Vanille for the next month. Christmas was only for a month, right? She hoped so. The puppy barked again, and she caved in from sheer impatience. Kneeling next to Hope in one smooth motion, she rapped the next step with her knuckles.
"Just jump," she told it, a little severely. "Right here."
Faith whined a bit and wiggled to the side, staring at the next step intently as if it held the answers to the universe, leaning down to gaze at the step before backing up a bit, and then looking up at Lightning and wagging his tail hopefully.
"Two more steps and then we can go on a walk!" Hope said brightly, making sure to stay just out of reach so that Faith would have to go down eventually. "You'll get to explore outside!"
Faith just gave a short huffing sneeze in response.
"He's doing so well!" she pronounced of Faith in the meantime, even though the puppy seemed to be having quite a hard time figuring out stairs. He was still very young, though, so it was no wonder. And he would hardly do better without loving encouragement. "Lightning, I think you really managed to get through to him! Do we have any doggie treats?"
Inside, she hurried to the kitchen and found the bag of treats, then brought them back outside, stepping carefully over the puppy on the steps, who whined and pawed at her leg. "Now, don't be scared! Look, don't you want some treats? Yum yum, they're delicious!"
She began a project of laying treats on every step below Faith. Maybe food would work as an incentive where others had failed.
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