Our chief weapon is surprise!

Sep 26, 2010 20:50

Who: Miles Edgeworth! Shikamaru Nara! Piiiiimps.
When: Like 2 in the AM of September 26.
Where: Edgeworth's humble abode, guarded by Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Summary: Officer Nara comes to visit Prosecutor Edgeworth so that they can plot to take down a coworker of theirs. But in a virtuous way!
Warnings: BDSM, non-con, poopin on each other...No. :( Sorry. Okay. Maybe cursing. Definitely cursing, and some brief violence of a rather extreme and very fake sort. Also lots of tea, goddamn.

The clock flipped over to two o'clock. The light illuminating it was strained, tinny, and myopic, as it always was at such an hour - here, yes, but also at home. It was not the effect of the Darkness, no product of unexplainable phenomena; it was merely what came of strained eyes past midnight.

Edgeworth raised his chin, and rubbed at those eyes, and swallowed a mouthful of tea against the weariness that was threatening to overtake him. It was a ritual to which he was well-accustomed, sitting up so many nights as he did for the night watches, but it was one which was harder tonight than previously. He just felt...tired. Every night seemed to be getting a little worse. Every night, he just wished to lie down, close his eyes, and merely be still. Not tend to duty, not tend to himself - just lie down and sleep.

In his lap, Gizmo heaved a great and world-weary sigh, and Edgeworth shook his head and scratched her behind the ears. He'd never actually do so, of course; it was not a matter of too much depending upon him, so much as him having taken too much on. He could never divest himself of his duties, and so he could never simply give up. A defense mechanism, perhaps.

The knock came a few minutes later, just as tinny and false as the light on the clock. Edgeworth gently lifted his dog's head out of his lap, and managed somehow to survive her look of harrowing sorrow, and crossed to the door, looking through the peephole. That was all he needed at this point in time - for it to not indeed be Nara, but someone else altogether, coming to kill him.

nara shikamaru, miles edgeworth

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